
Where are all the Germans?


Guten Tag,

auch wenn ich hier bin um meine Englisch und Vietnamesisch Kenntnisse zu verbessern und die Kultur zu erleben, vermisse ich manchmal das "Deutsche".  Einfach mal wieder Deutsch zu sprechen, unter Deutsche zu gehen und deren Eindrücke vom Land zu erfahren.
Wenn euch es genauso geht dann schreibt mich an. Ich freue mich über jede Nachricht.

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Hello extasia!

You should write only in English on this Anglophone forum, so that each member may understand and participate.



Even I am here to practice my English and Vietnamese skills and to discover the culture. I am missing to speak german, being with Germans and share the experiences about the living in Vietnam.
If you have the same feelings dont hesitate to text me.

Phi Long

I surprisingly notice there are quite a few Germans here in HCMC. There's some Germans who live in my building complex. I notice a lot of Germans who run and own businesses here. Oh and there are German bars here. Right across the street from the new Time Square building is a german bar... I think it's called Blue Moon or they have a sign with Blue Moon.


There's an Oktoberfest going on this weekend I believe in Windsor plaza. Sure to be alot of German food and German Beer. I'd also have to imagine that there would probably be some Germans there as well, but I have never been so I can't say with full certainty.

Has anyone been to this event in previous years and recommend it? I have provided a link below for those who need more information

Phi Long

I thought about going until I started a new vegetarian diet today that made me quit beer for the next 4 weeks. What a world...


I give credit to you, because I don't think I could give up beer for 4 weeks..


Thanks for the reply. I will go to the Oktoberfest for having some german food an of course beer. Phi Long I will drink some beer for you :-D
Maybe I will see some from expat-blog. I will go on th 13th October.


OCTOBERFEST BABY!!!..I will PM you some german couples I knew in PMH, D7. They are nice couple and will be back in Berlin In December..