My First Visit to Beijing


I am visiting beijing next month as a tourist...

And would like to know more about the city, the best tourist places to visit, nice resturants and best shopping areas.

Also if someone is interested to meet me there and join me in exploring the city please let me know.


Hey, I'm here for study. I've been here for 2 months already, I'm not as good as a local but maybe we can hang out :)

Hi! I've been here about 4 days (I'm going to be here a year to understand Mandarin better), already loving it! Don't know many tourist places- I'm on the edge of Beijing- but would like to see them too!

Just start from Tempel of Heaven in the south walking in north direction. Keep on going by passing Tiananmen Square and Forbidden City to Bell and Drum Tower. Then move on in east direction to the Summer Palace. But don't miss the old Summer Palace just befor this. Even many Beijing Ren don't know about it's beauty and calmness. The turn back to the main axis and give Olympia and it's buildings a visit. After all you saw everything in Beijing. Keep your eyes open on the way between the big famous stuff. There is a lot small things to discover. I went 4 times so far to Beijing (always walking downtown) and still I haven't see everything. Keep on walking :)