
General Advice - Moving to Berlin



I'm looking to move to Berlin on the basis of a job and wanted to know more about how things work.

Currently living in London and potentially working for a Investment Bank in Berlin.

Can you tell me:

1. The salary is 50,000euros. Is this a good wage to live and save on? I am married with 1 child (1 year old) and another on the way.
2. What sort of rent should I be expecting for a 2 bedroom flat/house?
3. Tax system. I have heard the tax system is different to the UK what should I expect to pay in tax. Does this then also include healthcare or do I need to get that separately?
4. I am Muslim of Indian origin and have heard about some animosity towards Muslims. Is this true? and what sort of welcome can I expect.

Many thanks for your answers in advance.


See also

Living in Berlin: the expat guideUS American child's "exchange" in the USNew member in BerlinApartments with out kitchens!!bilingual school for a 10 years old

Hello ImranG,

Welcome to! :)

Concerning the tax system you could have a look to this article "Income tax in Germany", it might help you.

All the best,


1. Difficult to say without knowing your education, job level and lifestyle.
2. No idea - check Berlin classified sites. It's one of the cheaper cities in Germany.
3. You can calculate your individual after-tax pay on … 11,00.html
I entered your salary and some typical values (based on the assumption that your wife doesn't work) and it says you'll get €2470 out.
(Compulsory) health insurance is included in the above calculation, but you must register yourself at one of the many insurance companies.
4. Not worse than anywhere else in the world. But many Muslims keep to themselves and do not mix with others. No idea why.



I am also moving to berlin on job offer basis, I got offer of 40K per annum. But i moving alone as of now. Later I will get my family. Can any one please tell me in which part of berlin indians mostly stay. and how the tax and other deductions and expenses will be.



Hello All,

@ rameshbaddam551 : While waiting for other answers to help you in your query, i invite you to read the article Income tax in Germany, maybe that can help you understand the tax matter you are on.

