Working in Morocco

Hi All,

I have previously worked in Morocco for a UK tour operator and would really love to go back on a more permanent basis but 'go it alone' so to speak.

I have lots of friends there but I'm really not sure how easy it would be to find a job, I understand French but don't speak it that well so think this might hold me back.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, many thanks!

Since you don't speak French,The only thing I can think of is getting a job as an english teacher with either the british council or other private schools.

hallo lucy

do you like call center work?


Yes I would consider call centre work and I have been told this is possible in the bigger cities.  Do you have more information?

Many thanks


in morocco,there are many international english firm! so wich diploma have you?i dont think call center is really good because it's very hard here!

Thanks for your reply!  I have worked for many years in Tourism and International Banking but I am happy to do anything.


well,i know that are some international firms but wich city you hope work?what's your origin country

hello Lucy
If you still looking for a job you can email me at this email