
Using unlocked iPhone 4 and 4S in Hungary - where to buy SIM?

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Hi everyone
When we arrive in a few weeks we will both have unlocked iPhones - a 4 and a 4S. Ideally we would like to use these whilst in Budapest and when we travel around other parts of Europe.
Given that the iPhone 4 and 4S both take the micro-sim cards, I was wondering how easily we might pick up a PAYG or prepaid micro-sim in Budapest?

If you have tips on where we might get them that would be great.
We will be living in the V district, Szent Istvan Korut, near Margit Hid.



See also

Phones, internet, and mail in Hungarywho regulates phone companies in Hungary?Need Input - Expat Focused Communication ServicesInternet Speeds And Reliability In Budapestunlocking iphone

PAYG is "feltöltőkártya" (refill card) or "dominó kártya" (the brand name of the first such service from one of the 3 GSM providers in the country). The later term may get you strange looks at the other two providers but they'll know what you mean.

No idea about micro-sim.

Roaming rates, especially data service can get pretty steep once you leave the country.


Last time i was in budapest, i went to Vodafone store (near vorosmarty christmas market - not far from tourism office) and there you will get micro-sim which i used for iphone. i found pretty difficult to access internet and much after tweaking settings, got it working. i remember paying 4000 HUF for everything.

Let me know if you need any help!!!

P.S: You can also buy t-mobile sims and i think they cut it and will give you.


Update - We got micro SIMs from T-Mobile and it was easy!
We also got TV, internet and telephone from T-Mobile. So far, so good!


Glad to hear you made it!
Spring is coming and everything will be lovely soon, I promise!


szocske wrote:

Glad to hear you made it!
Spring is coming and everything will be lovely soon, I promise!

It's quite lovely now!! I like it - it's just cold and not enjoyable when you have a sore throat!

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