Gas Canisters - can I rent one?

Hi Everyone

As its blinking freeeezing this week I am thinking of buying a gas heater. I have been using the A/C's on hot to heat my place but its going to be mega expensive to run these all the time! Was thinking about getting a gas heater.

Was wondering if anyone has any experience buying/renting these? Would much prefer to rent one, if that's a possibility!


Hi Kieran,

I don't think you'll be lucky finding someone to rent you one ! They are all in use at the moment and for the next weeks.

THe new prices for gas cylinders are 18,-€ for the usual 12 kg size plus a refundable 25 € deposit for the cylinder (make sure you get a receipt over the 25 € otherwise you will only get 5 € back !)

Gas heaters are priced from 65 € upwards .


Hi Kieran,

My experience with a gas heater is that you would need to use some other heater anyways. It is not covering more than one room and you don't really want to use it in the bedroom, it requires ventilation. You would also need to change the bottles about once a week at 18 Euro per bottle. I wish there was a better way.
