Tourism Development

hey there!

My e-mail, if not clear, is aimed to those who are currently living in Croatia and have done for over 3 years.
I am currently studying Travel & Tourism and am writing a project on the tourism development within Croatia. However I am really struggling as its not possible for me to visit the country, nor do I have contact with anybody there.
As locals, you would fit into the category of being a stakeholder in my investigation and what I would really love is if you could try and tell me a bit about the positive and negative factors of tourism development of where you live if you have noticed any at all? Whether these are your own views or maybe what your friends and family have commented on? I would be very much appreciative for any help and insight into what the development is like for people living within Croatia.
Thankyou for your time and hopefully your effort in advance!
Hope to hear from you

i want to go to merina mall