Job offering in TZ

Dear all,

I am planning to shift to tz with family and will be working with tata group.

any specific inputs and suggestions .


Hi prashrahul and welcome to!

I wish you Good Luck in your research,

thanks harmonie

I have been read all the post and specially QG is actually very demotivating .

Could somebody really share bringing family along with your shifting is advisable or not .

Good day

I'm planning to move to tanzania but is still looking for work that side

Hi all

I'm planning on moving to Tanzania and is looking for work that side please if anyone can help

any inputs

Tata Africa has all India Staff who are working here for quite some time, you can check in with any of your collegues in Tanzania, that will be easiest form of information available to be able to move comfortably.

Hi - I don't seem to find any info on Zanzibar expats etc i am living in Zanzibar not Mainland Tanzania