
Registering marriage abroad in Ukraine

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The Egyptian


This may not be the first time for me to ask about this but I never got an answer. Sorry It is going to be long but I need to convey all the details ......

I am Egyptian, my wife is Ukrainian. We got legally married in Egypt about a year ago.

Egypt is - unfortunately - NOT a signatory to the apostille convention (also known as The Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents)

Accordingly my government cannot provide an apostille of our marriage.

However, I have managed to notarize our marriage (original contract in Arabic) in the Egyptian ministry of Foreign Affairs, and subsequently had it translated to Ukrainian language via a translation office (authorized by the Ukrainian embassy in Cairo), and also notarized by the embassy (they stamped the translated contract).

Accordingly I was granted a one-year multiple-entry visit visa and since I have that contract I was exempted from the mandatory invitation requirement for Egyptian nationals and was also exempted from stating my income and proving my current work status. Anyways I do not plan (at least for now) to move to or live in Ukraine so such a visa is more than enough for me.

What is the problem now? Our marriage is not recognized in Ukraine by any means and my wife is still considered a single woman there !

No registration stamp in her Internal passport, no stamp of marriage on my International passport (like other Egyptians/Foreigners married to Ukrainians), and furthermore if we have children, they are according to Ukrainian law illegitimate !!

I asked in the embassy ..... They have no clue. Pulled every string I have and we had people in ZAGS to ask ...... They said we cannot get married now that we are already married. They cannot help us recognizing our marriage and I cannot with the current contract (after two years of marriage elapse) become a permanent resident.

I don't want a new marriage ..... I just want our marriage registered and/or recognized in Ukraine. For example in Egypt if we are married overseas we can bring a notarized contract here, stamp it from the other country's embassy and subsequently the Egyptian ministry of Foreign Affairs and finally get an Egyptian marriage contract (with the original marriage date) recognizing marriage.

What is the government body/authority responsible for such a thing?

The Egyptian

More information about apostilles here :

Unfortunately as I already mentioned Egypt is not a signatory :(


To confirm your Egyptian marriage in Ukraine you just need to show the marriage certificate in ZAGS. But as people do not now how should a Egyptian marriage certificate look like the legalization/apostillization procedures were created. These procedures are just confirmation by a State that issued an official document that this document is official and valid.

If you cannot apostilize your marriage certificate then you need to legalize it as apostilization is in fact a simplified legalization.

You say you have certified some docs in notary, embassied etc. By saying this you mean that you legalized these docs?

And you also said that people in ZAGS "...said we cannot get married now that we are already married". Thus why do you think that your marriage is not confirmed in Ukraine?

The Egyptian

GreyKyiv wrote:

To confirm your Egyptian marriage in Ukraine you just need to show the marriage certificate in ZAGS. But as people do not now how should a Egyptian marriage certificate look like the legalization/apostillization procedures were created. These procedures are just confirmation by a State that issued an official document that this document is official and valid.

If you cannot apostilize your marriage certificate then you need to legalize it as apostilization is in fact a simplified legalization.

You say you have certified some docs in notary, embassied etc. By saying this you mean that you legalized these docs?

And you also said that people in ZAGS "...said we cannot get married now that we are already married". Thus why do you think that your marriage is not confirmed in Ukraine?

Hello GreyKyiv.

I have already asked in ZAGS and they said they can do nothing and my legalized Egyptian contract is worthless!!

I have already legalized it (Translated to Ukrainian at an office authorized by the Ukrainian embassy in Cairo, then stamped by the embassy).

Yes by notary I mean I legalized it.

It is not confirmed in Ukraine since my wife cannot A- change her last name, OR B- get a stamp of marriage on her National Passport or my International Passport, OR C- Apply for my permanent residence (after 2 years of marriage), OR D- Get registered in the Ukrainian Government's computer systems as married. All these indicate that our status is not recognized in Ukraine.

Furthermore we have checked with people at ZAGS (a director of the unit at my wife's central Oblast ZAGS office, worked there for 25+ years so she's not a beginner).


Which city do you live in Ukraine? I suggest you to:
1) print out the following Regulation:

2) mark clause 6 of section 2 that says: "6. Документи, видані компетентними органами іноземних держав на посвідчення актів цивільного стану, здійснених поза межами України за законами відповідних держав щодо громадян України, іноземців і осіб без громадянства, визнаються дійсними в Україні за наявності легалізації, якщо інше не передбачено міжнародними договорами України, згода на обов'язковість яких надана Верховною Радою України."

3) take this Regulations and all your docs including your legalized marriage certificate with you and go to your ZAGS

If after this you will come back saying that the ZAGS's director does not know how to confirm your marriage write to me and we will take the plan B - official complain. Because if your marriage certificate is [b]legalized (not notarized but "legalized" according to the respective convention) then you marriage is already valid and registered in Ukraine.[/b] Thus get some spravka from ZAGS about this, change the wife's family name and get stamps in your passports following the established procedure. There is nothing unique in your case.

The Egyptian

GreyKyiv wrote:

Which city do you live in Ukraine? I suggest you to:
1) print out the following Regulation:

2) mark clause 6 of section 2 that says: "6. Документи, видані компетентними органами іноземних держав на посвідчення актів цивільного стану, здійснених поза межами України за законами відповідних держав щодо громадян України, іноземців і осіб без громадянства, визнаються дійсними в Україні за наявності легалізації, якщо інше не передбачено міжнародними договорами України, згода на обов'язковість яких надана Верховною Радою України."

3) take this Regulations and all your docs including your legalized marriage certificate with you and go to your ZAGS

If after this you will come back saying that the ZAGS's director does not know how to confirm your marriage write to me and we will take the plan B - official complain. Because if your marriage certificate is [b]legalized (not notarized but "legalized" according to the respective convention) then you marriage is already valid and registered in Ukraine.[/b] Thus get some spravka from ZAGS about this, change the wife's family name and get stamps in your passports following the established procedure. There is nothing unique in your case.

Would you mind if I call you?

Yes nothing is unique in my case because people get married outside their home countries all around the world......


No I do not mind, you can call me. I will send you my phone number in PM now. But please do it after 19.30 by Kyiv time. I have a lot to do till close of business day.

The Egyptian

Article #5 :

     5. Документи,   складені   іноземною   мовою,  подаються  для
державної реєстрації актів цивільного стану разом з їх перекладами
на українську мову, засвідченими в установленому порядку.

Translation using Google:

5. Documents in foreign language shall be submitted to
Civil Registry Office together with their translations
the Ukrainian language, certified in due course.

Question : where is this "Civil Registry Office"?


The Egyptian wrote:

Article #5 :

     5. Документи,   складені   іноземною   мовою,  подаються  для
державної реєстрації актів цивільного стану разом з їх перекладами
на українську мову, засвідченими в установленому порядку.

Translation using Google:

5. Documents in foreign language shall be submitted to
Civil Registry Office together with their translations
the Ukrainian language, certified in due course.

Question : where is this "Civil Registry Office"?

This is ZAGS.

The Egyptian

GreyKyiv wrote:
The Egyptian wrote:

Article #5 :

     5. Документи,   складені   іноземною   мовою,  подаються  для
державної реєстрації актів цивільного стану разом з їх перекладами
на українську мову, засвідченими в установленому порядку.

Translation using Google:

5. Documents in foreign language shall be submitted to
Civil Registry Office together with their translations
the Ukrainian language, certified in due course.

Question : where is this "Civil Registry Office"?

This is ZAGS.

and yet they have to say NO for our request (central ZAGS @ Khersonskaya Oblast).

I am really getting tired of this bullsh*t :(


Hello, I am from Philippines I am Filipina, I have married to a Ukrainian citizen. I went to Ukraine and got marriage in Ukraine, so it is understood that locally I am registered as married in Ukraine.
But if I come back to my country Philippines, my status should be remained "single" because I only married to Ukraine not in Philippines. So, to avoid troubles, after the wedding in Ukraine the local registrar in Ukraine gave us, marriage certificate,what we did with our local marriage certificate? we made it "authenticated"

2nd step,

we made an English version and notarized it to the "Philippines Consulate General" in Kyiv. Because there is no Embassy of Philippines in Ukraine, so we have to find the nearest Embassy, and the nearest Embassy for Filipinos it is based in Moscow.

We contact "Philippine Embassy" in Moscow.And informed about the situation ,that I am Filipino and I married a Ukrainian citizen and I wanted to "register" my marriage. He said yes, and told me in that case me and my husband need to fill up the form named " Report of Marriage"

3rd step,

They gave us form to fill up, sent through attachment, we printed and filled up the information needed,and signed it!
the form was... "REPORT OF MARRIAGE"
We include the copy of our "marriage certificate", both authenticated and the notarized and sent to Moscow,addressed to the " Philippines Embassy"

4th step, it is "Philippines Embassy" in Moscow responsibility to forward my data in my home country "Philippines". For the Philippines to record me as married.

Next, I went to Philippines brought the original "marriage certificate" along with the English version " That notarized, legalized and authenticated" made by Philippines Consulate General in Kyiv.

I went to my hometown in Philippines, to check if Philippines registered me as married, I went to my local NSO ( National Statistic Office)and result was "negative". They said I have to process it in the main department of DFA, and it is only in Manila.

Next, I flew back to the capital City of Philippines that is "Manila".  I went to DFA ( Department of Foreign Affairs) and fill up the form, information about my marriage, and after a week I have got result.

They issued me a SECPA version or Security Papers,it has logo of NSO or National Statistic Office,

This paper is name "Report of Marriage" and this is our marriage certificate, to make it more legal and acceptable to foreign countries , I sent  it to Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila, they authenticated it, It has dry seal, have gold and red ribbon and this is acceptable for International use. So I have 2 versions of Marriage certificate legally and authenticated in Ukraine, and also  have my Philippine version that been authenticated by our Department of Foreign Affairs in Philippines.

So I don't have any problem, when I come to live in Philippines

I use the marriage certificate issued by (DFA)Department of Foreign Affairs,Philippines,

I have my Philippine version of marriage certificate has named "Report of Marriage" below is written the data of year of our marriage, date of marriage, age of my husband, mine and where the place of marriage. And there is data where we report our marriage.

And when I am inside Ukraine, of course I use the local one, they don't need English version :)

So I suggest you, that you should bring your marriage certificate in "Consulate General of Ukraine" in Egypt that serves for Ukrainian national,ask them to notarized and authenticate it, much better if Ukraine has Embassy in Egypt, you can directly report your marriage to the Embassy of Ukraine.

If you have notarized and authenticated copy, you may contact "Ukraine Embassy" and report that you married a Ukrainian in Egypt.

Ask them what are the legal procedures to record your marriage in Egypt for your wife status to be change as "married".

Probably it will be the same like mine, they will ask a copy of your Marriage Certificate in Egypt, and make sure that this certificate is notarized and legalized by Ukraine Embassy in Egypt.

You have to report your marriage in "Ukraine Embassy" submit this authenticated and legalized marriage certificate so that they could "register" and record you and your wife as married in Ukraine law.

Egypt and Ukraine should be connected, means, you have to have Egypt valid marriage certificate, and at the same time you should report to Ukraine embassy to obtain the another version of Marriage certificate, so that you and your wife will have record in Ukraine as married, and then your Ukrainian wife could change her status as married.

The Egyptian

Thanks. I did the same, but no avail. The embassy staff is a bunch of morons .... ZAGS staff in Ukraine are a bunch of a*****es ...... and furthermore now we moved to Sudan and there is no Ukrainian embassy in Sudan !


I understand your problem, yes In Ukrainian law, your wife still considered as single ... you know why? because you did not communicate to Ukraine Government!

* You have to call "Ukraine Embassy" and Report your marriage, because your papers is just valid inside Egypt, your data is just inside Egypt. You have to copy that authenticated and notarized and send it to Ukraine Embassy, so that they will know that one of their national married an Egyptian, if you won't Report to them, they will never know that a Ukrainian already married in Egypt!

*They probably will give you a form to fill-up similar to mine, I have form named "Report of Marriage".

*They are the one to make it automatic in Ukrainian version,

Report your marriage,submit the papers needed.Send them the copy of your authenticated ,legalized and notarized "Certificate of Marriage". Right after they record you and your wife, then both of you will be automatic "married" status. Your wife can come to Ukraine, and do the processing to register her marriage in Ukraine Embassy, after they registered it, then they will give  the Ukraine version of "Marriage Certificate.
After they provide her the legal "marriage Certificate" in Ukraine she then could start to apply for passport renewal, she will fill the form as married, so that she will hold a Ukrainian passport with the "married" status. To make the kids not illegitimate, You and your wife has to report also to the "Ukraine Embassy" just like how you report your marriage. So make sure that all the papers is notarized, legalized and authenticated by Department of Foreign Affairs in Egypt, before to submit it to "Ukraine Embassy"

I hope this helps, because I made this kind of procedure, every of my kids their "Live Birth Certificate" Is notarized, legalized, and authenticated by our Department of Foreign Affairs before I filed the application to the Embassy of Ukraine. So the status of my kids right now is really "Ukrainian" but at the same time they have rights to live and stay in Philippines, unless they turned 16 yrs. old then they have to chose what nationality they will take,

Right now my kids have 2 passports, the Philippine passport and one is attached to my Ukrainian husband.They will attached it as long as the kids are still minors.

The same to your wife, she should have report the marriage to Ukraine Embassy and also report that she have Ukrainian kids that was born in Egypt, and whenever she renew her passport the Ukraine government will include her minor kids in her passport, it will have name and picture of babies.

The Egyptian

we did this. I went to the embassy, translated our contract to Ukrainian, stamped it from the Egyptian ministry of Foreign Affairs, stamped again from Ukrainian embassy, however, they said "we have nothing to do with registration .... check in ZAGS in Ukraine". When we checked in ZAGS, they said "we can do nothing for you unless you got married in Ukraine first !" .....


salamo 3alikom momken teshra7ly enta me7tag a bezabt ana masry w metgawz ukrania w 3aish fe Ukrania .. all you need is to certificate the marriage from the Ukrainian embassy in Egypt Maadi
and when you come here to translate your contract to ukrainian and i would help you with all the steps i am living in Kiev

The Egyptian

Monzaka wrote:

salamo 3alikom momken teshra7ly enta me7tag a bezabt ana masry w metgawz ukrania w 3aish fe Ukrania .. all you need is to certificate the marriage from the Ukrainian embassy in Egypt Maadi
and when you come here to translate your contract to ukrainian and i would help you with all the steps i am living in Kiev

Thanks Monzaka. Can you send me your telephone number in Ukraine and I will call you? Much appreciated :)


Hi my dear,
     I Pakistani National and married with Ukrainian girl in Pakistan as i have Pakistan Nikah papers marriage documents attested from ministry of foreign affairs Pakistan and embassy of Pakistan. First of all Ukraine Consulate in Islamabad refuse to legalize our marriage in Pakistan and my wife to go to Ukraine to register marriage.and now when she go to legalize marriage in Ukraine they are asking for Family register certificate to legalize it. and Family register certificate is only for Pakistan Nationals. It means my wife will take Pakistan ID card and after make FRC and than take it to Ukraine for Legalize our marriage ? can anyone help me what is this ? is there any other solution of it they demand a new thing from me...


ahsaan.musa wrote:

Hi my dear,
     I Pakistani National and married with Ukrainian girl in Pakistan as i have Pakistan Nikah papers marriage documents attested from ministry of foreign affairs Pakistan and embassy of Pakistan. First of all Ukraine Consulate in Islamabad refuse to legalize our marriage in Pakistan and my wife to go to Ukraine to register marriage.and now when she go to legalize marriage in Ukraine they are asking for Family register certificate to legalize it. and Family register certificate is only for Pakistan Nationals. It means my wife will take Pakistan ID card and after make FRC and than take it to Ukraine for Legalize our marriage ? can anyone help me what is this ? is there any other solution of it they demand a new thing from me...

     Just forget everything that you have already done.And write on a stamp paper from Notary public(Oath commissioner)that you are not married and come to Ukraine and here marry your Ukrainian wife according to the laws of Ukraine and you both will get stamps in your passports from the marriage registry office and problem solved.Otherwise you will spend alot of time and money and in result you will get nothing because Pakistani marriage(NIKKAH)is not approved in the western countries.


Hi Ms Charm,
I am a filipina also married to ukranian..We had our marriage in Phils. And I am temporary in Kiev now. I have the same question..How can we register our marriage here in Kiev? Is it possible to just Report the Marriage in Embassy? Or we needed to get married again here? Coz the Ukraine Consulate in Vietnam told us only Ukraine Embassy in Japan is the only one can update his status. Its hard and expensive to get visa to Japan. I wonder if we can just email it to them or will just update our marriage here in Ukraine.

I have already translated,legalized and redribbon our marriage certificate from Phils.

Your help is very much appreciated.


Take your husband and all those documents and go to any ZAGS in Kiev.


Hi there, may I ask the address of this ZAGS?


What's a ZAG?


ZAGS is a state institutoin registering marriages. Every district in Kiev has its own ZAGS. You better go the central ZAGS on 11 Victory avenue (Prospect Pobedy 11). It has a shape of triangle and is cituated betwen McDonalds and some construction place.


ok, thanks. Good information. I may be doing that myself this summer.



I just got married in Finland. We went to visit ZAGS main office in Kiev. We discussed with 2 civil servants, of which the second was in a high position. They told us that Ukraine does not have a data base regarding marriages in foreign countries even if they involve an Ukrainian citizen.

As we understood the only way to register our marriage is to divorce in Finland and get married in Ukraine. Before the divorce we cannot be married in Ukraine because the required certificate of no impediment shows that I am married already!

Does anybody knows any other way to get our marriage registered in Ukraine?

Thank you for your assistance!

The Egyptian

Terry65 wrote:


I just got married in Finland. We went to visit ZAGS main office in Kiev. We discussed with 2 civil servants, of which the second was in a high position. They told us that Ukraine does not have a data base regarding marriages in foreign countries even if they involve an Ukrainian citizen.

As we understood the only way to register our marriage is to divorce in Finland and get married in Ukraine. Before the divorce we cannot be married in Ukraine because the required certificate of no impediment shows that I am married already!

Does anybody knows any other way to get our marriage registered in Ukraine?

Thank you for your assistance!

welcome to my dilemma where I cannot have my problem resolved !


Terry65 wrote:


I just got married in Finland. We went to visit ZAGS main office in Kiev. We discussed with 2 civil servants, of which the second was in a high position. They told us that Ukraine does not have a data base regarding marriages in foreign countries even if they involve an Ukrainian citizen.

As we understood the only way to register our marriage is to divorce in Finland and get married in Ukraine. Before the divorce we cannot be married in Ukraine because the required certificate of no impediment shows that I am married already!

Does anybody knows any other way to get our marriage registered in Ukraine?

Thank you for your assistance!

This is absolute nonsense.

The Egyptian

GreyKyiv wrote:
Terry65 wrote:


I just got married in Finland. We went to visit ZAGS main office in Kiev. We discussed with 2 civil servants, of which the second was in a high position. They told us that Ukraine does not have a data base regarding marriages in foreign countries even if they involve an Ukrainian citizen.

As we understood the only way to register our marriage is to divorce in Finland and get married in Ukraine. Before the divorce we cannot be married in Ukraine because the required certificate of no impediment shows that I am married already!

Does anybody knows any other way to get our marriage registered in Ukraine?

Thank you for your assistance!

This is absolute nonsense.

we were told the same in ZAGS Kherson


The Egyptian wrote:
Terry65 wrote:


I just got married in Finland. We went to visit ZAGS main office in Kiev. We discussed with 2 civil servants, of which the second was in a high position. They told us that Ukraine does not have a data base regarding marriages in foreign countries even if they involve an Ukrainian citizen.

As we understood the only way to register our marriage is to divorce in Finland and get married in Ukraine. Before the divorce we cannot be married in Ukraine because the required certificate of no impediment shows that I am married already!

Does anybody knows any other way to get our marriage registered in Ukraine?

Thank you for your assistance!

welcome to my dilemma where I cannot have my problem resolved !

I thought you have solved everything. Where did you stuck? How are you btw, have not heard from you since last spring.

The Egyptian

GreyKyiv wrote:
The Egyptian wrote:
Terry65 wrote:


I just got married in Finland. We went to visit ZAGS main office in Kiev. We discussed with 2 civil servants, of which the second was in a high position. They told us that Ukraine does not have a data base regarding marriages in foreign countries even if they involve an Ukrainian citizen.

As we understood the only way to register our marriage is to divorce in Finland and get married in Ukraine. Before the divorce we cannot be married in Ukraine because the required certificate of no impediment shows that I am married already!

Does anybody knows any other way to get our marriage registered in Ukraine?

Thank you for your assistance!

welcome to my dilemma where I cannot have my problem resolved !

I thought you have solved everything. Where did you stuck? How are you btw, have not heard from you since last spring.

All good, alive and kicking in UAE.

ZAGS told us exactly the same as what was told to Teryy65


Weird! I had a same issue before.We were married in Philippines but we able to registered our marriage here in kiev,Ukraine. And now I have my 1year temporary residence permit.


shynesslavz wrote:

Weird! I had a same issue before.We were married in Philippines but we able to registered our marriage here in kiev,Ukraine. And now I have my 1year temporary residence permit.

Hi! Could you tell us all how did you registered your marriage in Kiev? Do you have any contact to people that assisted you?


I assume the only way to find out if it is really so that foreign marriages cannot be registered in Ukraine is to contact the Ministry of Justice and ask them!


Actually, My mother Inlaw was the one who settled everything regarding with this  matter. She used agency to assist her which is her friend who runs the agency and who also know the staff in a certain government bodies. - That's why having contacts and money made it easier.


i got married in ukraine a few months back and my my registration is about to expire and i want to know if anybody can help me out about where i need to go to be able to extend my living in ukraine by being legally married with kid



We got an official written answer from the ministry of Justice of Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian law, marriages abroad cannot be registered in Ukraine. If your country belongs to the Apostille convention (, a certificate of marriage in the country of origin including an Apostille cerfification is enough for any Ukrainian authorities to accept the document. If your country does not belong to the Apostille Convention then you need probably to certify the document through the embassy.

Good luck!


Hello Maam I am also married to a Ukrainian citizen marriage has done here at Philippines.Now we had NSO certificate how we can register our marriage in Ukraine since we got all docs needed for our marriage here in Philippines ( e.g. Certificate of No Impediment and translated birth certificate into english extracr) from Ukraine embassy in Malaysia coz Ukrainian who have purposes in Philippines is under Ukraine Embassy in Malaysia like to marry a pinay.Now I wanted to join my husband in Taiwan for long years or months but one of their requirements to apply ARC temporary resident visa in Taiwan is first to register our marriage in their embassy or consulate office here in Philippines.Since consul cannot register our marriage here to Ukraine maybe we need to apply for registration or report marriage in Ukraine embassy in Malaysia since it has done all the docs needed for our marriage? Do we need to come to Ukraine to register our marriage? If yes please advice us what to do and to bring? Do we need both will appear?

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