
Effective Pass Appeal

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My employer and I have been having problems with MOM.
I used to be an S-Pass holder in Singapore and after I resigned from my previous job,
I looked for a new career that suits my degree and knowledge.
I was aware of the changes in the salary and qualifications to get an approved pass.

Problem was, when my company applied a pass for me they applied an EPass or Spass option.
And it was rejected after a week.
My employer wanted to appeal my work permit, they are really interested to hire me,
since my skills and experience is suitable in the nature of their business.

I am helping the company's HR for us to be able to come up with an effective Work Pass Appeal.
I need advices and help on what my employer can possibly do / write to be have the appeal application approved.

Thank you very much in advance.

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first, you have to make sure the problem does not lie with the company itself (i.e company not compliant, foreigner quotas exceeded etc). In those cases, any appeal is useless.

if your company is confident the problem lies in your application, bulk up the appeal with anything that has been left out in the initial application (courses/special skills that you possess that give you an edge over locals etc). Your company has to be able to demonstrate how your profile fits the job description and convince MoM that it is in the best interest of the company to have you.


thank you very much for your prompt response.
I really appreciate it.


There are four reasons why an EP application could be rejected

1. Some formal problem (missing documents, etc.)
2. You don't qualify (education, work experience, etc.)
3. The company doesn't qualify (quota, history, etc.)
4. There are enough locals that could do the job

Sometimes, but not always, MoM tell applicants during a personal visit what the reason is - it's worth a try to visit them with the HR person!
If it's 1., just submit all missing information with your appeal and your chances are good.
For 2. or 3., any appeal is a waste of time as it will be rejected as well.
In case of 4., a different job description or a better reason why the company has to hire you and not a local might help.


thank you very much beppi..

the HR said that, MOM's reason for rejection is I am not eligible for a work pass.
We are puzzled since I was previously a spass holder and I graduated in one of
MOM's accredited Universities and also I have a degree..

does this mean, I am just hoping for nothing in the future?
hence my employer will appeal my work pass?

thank you for replies in the future.


The criteria vor EP eligibility have recently tightened considerably. You are probably in that unlucky group who were eligible before, but not any more now.
(FYI: The list of approved institutions has been abolished in favour of international rankings.)
If that is the case, I am sorry to say that an appeal will achieve nothing.


uhm so sad to hear that..

I just hope there is any way I can work even lower than the pass I was applied for.

I really love the jobscope and the company as well..


i wish u luck for ur pass.


@babydollsakura How's your work pass now?

I'm having the same problem as well. I'm currently an EP holder (P2) but due to the enhanced EP framework, my pass category was affected and I no longer qualify for P2 (although I thought I could still qualify for Q1). My pass renewal was rejected based on 'salary and qualifications'. An appeal was submitted, with supplementary letters from my boss and our CEO. The appeal was also rejected based on 'salary and qualifications'.

Now my salary was raised a bit (but still below the P2 salary level but way higher than minimum salary for Q1). My company decided to re-appeal, but I'm so worried about it.

My degree (I graduated from one of the top universities in the Philippines) and professional experiences are all related to my current job. I was even granted an employment pass eligibility certificate by MoM before. So I can't see nothing wrong with my qualifications unless they think I'm not good enough.

My question now is, will MoM look at my application based on the prevailing criteria for P2 only since that's my current pass? or since I don't qualify for P2 anymore, could they just downgrade my pass to Q1 and not reject me once and for all?


They do downgrade to a lower pass if they see fit, but you cannot force them (No harm, though, to ask nicely!).
In your case, it might be that they doubt your qualifications (the list of approved institutions was abolished in favour of internationsl rankings - how's your university faring in those?) or that your salary isn't in line with them (being underpaid can be a reason for rejection, too!).


Then I hope MoM could just downgrade my pass to a lower EP category rather than total rejection...

The thing is there's nothing I could do to change my qualifications right now (though that's about to change soon as I'm going to do a postgrad in the UK this September, but for the meantime, I need this job). You may be right though that my university (or at least the toptier unis in the Philippines) doesn't fare well in the world rankings. I'm not sure about being underpaid though as my current salary is higher than Q1 minimum but lower than P2 minimum salary requirement, so I thought I am hoping I could still get a Q1, at least according to the self-assessment tool.

My colleague has also tried the tool and got a result that she can only qualify for S Pass, but her P2 was renewed anyway even if her salary is below $4500 (her pass was renewed a day after I got the rejection).


Hi Framboisse, May I know what happened to the re-appeal?

I am in the exact same situation as you, my P2 employment pass got rejected upon renewal
by my agency. I'm a contract employee by an agency to a MNC (with a tagline 'invent')
for 2 years. My salary is above Q1 minimum but less than P2 in the current scheme.
I have 10 years of experience total now. 9 years in the Philippines.
My contract was 2 years but my EPass was only valid for a year, so upon renewal that's
why it got rejected. The agency did not increase my salary because I was in contract for 2 years.
In my contract, I can resign after a year.

Fortunately, since I have planned to resign, I already applied to another company, they offered
me a permanent position and a salary which is qualified under P2. Could you guys help me
out on what to do? Thanks
(1) Should I still go through with the appeal with my current agency?
(2) Will my EPass rejection affect the application of my new company?


Hi jlannister!

How's your work pass status now? The re-appeal was approved in the end, just a day before my pass expired, so it was sorted it the end. I am not sure though about what helped for the approval, as I submitted additional certificates. My salary was increased a bit, by a mere $37.50! Still below the P2 salary but above Q1. My pass has been downgraded to Q1 by the way.

jlannister wrote:

Hi Framboisse, May I know what happened to the re-appeal?

I am in the exact same situation as you, my P2 employment pass got rejected upon renewal
by my agency. I'm a contract employee by an agency to a MNC (with a tagline 'invent')
for 2 years. My salary is above Q1 minimum but less than P2 in the current scheme.
I have 10 years of experience total now. 9 years in the Philippines.
My contract was 2 years but my EPass was only valid for a year, so upon renewal that's
why it got rejected. The agency did not increase my salary because I was in contract for 2 years.
In my contract, I can resign after a year.

Fortunately, since I have planned to resign, I already applied to another company, they offered
me a permanent position and a salary which is qualified under P2. Could you guys help me
out on what to do? Thanks
(1) Should I still go through with the appeal with my current agency?
(2) Will my EPass rejection affect the application of my new company?


HI Framboisse,

thanks for your reply. Good thing your pass was approved.
I just got the news also last thur that my eoass was approved.
This is for my new company. Didnt go through with the appeal anymore.

I think, the MOM has unavoidably helped us to get increases in salary
which is a good thing , since they are controlling the minimum salary
for ones qualifications.

take care and good luck

Framboisse wrote:

Hi jlannister!

How's your work pass status now? The re-appeal was approved in the end, just a day before my pass expired, so it was sorted it the end. I am not sure though about what helped for the approval, as I submitted additional certificates. My salary was increased a bit, by a mere $37.50! Still below the P2 salary but above Q1. My pass has been downgraded to Q1 by the way.

jlannister wrote:

Hi Framboisse, May I know what happened to the re-appeal?

I am in the exact same situation as you, my P2 employment pass got rejected upon renewal
by my agency. I'm a contract employee by an agency to a MNC (with a tagline 'invent')
for 2 years. My salary is above Q1 minimum but less than P2 in the current scheme.
I have 10 years of experience total now. 9 years in the Philippines.
My contract was 2 years but my EPass was only valid for a year, so upon renewal that's
why it got rejected. The agency did not increase my salary because I was in contract for 2 years.
In my contract, I can resign after a year.

Fortunately, since I have planned to resign, I already applied to another company, they offered
me a permanent position and a salary which is qualified under P2. Could you guys help me
out on what to do? Thanks
(1) Should I still go through with the appeal with my current agency?
(2) Will my EPass rejection affect the application of my new company?


Hello there!

Can anyone help me on this. It is about a week since my employer appealed for my E-Pass application. Does anyone here knows how can I check for the status of the appeal? Because I cannot check it through EP Application via MOM Web, the status there is still rejected.

Will be glad to hear from you.

Thanks much.


Call MoM.


bern.naguiat wrote:

Hello there!

Can anyone help me on this. It is about a week since my employer appealed for my E-Pass application. Does anyone here knows how can I check for the status of the appeal? Because I cannot check it through EP Application via MOM Web, the status there is still rejected.

Will be glad to hear from you.

Thanks much.


Do you mean that the status is still "rejected" even though the application date and number has been updated OR the EP online still displays your last application?

My case was the first one so i suppose they rejected the appeal as well.

Thanks so much.


Hi there!

The application date via MOM web is still the same, however, my employer sent me a status inquiry which states that it is still "pending".  Like I have mentioned the appeal was made October  12, 2012 and still pending as of this writing.  Can I know long will be the wait prior the release of the result?

Thank you and best regards,


You will wait until MoM has decided.
Unfortunately, that's all that can be said, as the inner workings of MoM are not normally disclosed to outsiders.
You could of course, as I suggested before, call MoM and hope to get some information from them.


bern.naguiat wrote:

Hi there!

The application date via MOM web is still the same, however, my employer sent me a status inquiry which states that it is still "pending".  Like I have mentioned the appeal was made October  12, 2012 and still pending as of this writing.  Can I know long will be the wait prior the release of the result?

Thank you and best regards,

3 to 4 weeks after submission.



Im a newbie.. just want to ask regarding reappeal of my EP.My employer renewed my pass but got rejected after few days, they decided to reappeal but after a month it was rejected again. so they decided to reappeal for the 2nd time thinking it may sort out of things and possible to grant this time but until now we're still waiting for the results.As the reappeal ongoing, my employer got me an extension of reappeal at the same time my embarkation letter from MOM.I don't know how long it will take again and I cant afford to lose a job now as my family back home is depending on me.And i really tried to look for a new job before my visit pass expires just to be safe if ever the 2nd appeal rejected again. I was thinking if I could find a job, and willing to apply me for a pass, will my application to a new employer will be affected? or do I need to tell my current employer to cancel the reappeal? I don't know what to do now. And since my visit pass and reappeal have the same date, i need to make an exit for me to have another month here. I am planning to go to KL, is it ok I just stay for 2 days and be back again? hope someone can help me to enlighten and give me advise.


Dear Mizfatty,

First, it is important to find out why your EP renewal was rejected. An appeal will only be successful if the reason for rejection is removed - just asking MoM to look at it again will not work!
MoM sometimes (but not always) tells the reason if you visit them (preferably with your employer, and with an appointment secured by phone or online).
EP criteria with respect to salary and education have been tightened recently, so possibly you do not qualify any longer. In that case you need to get a higher salary or education before appealing.
Or, the employer does no longer qualify, because of quotas or if there are enough locals who could do your job (and must be hired first). In that case your employer has to give a better explanation why they need to hire a foreigner, or you have to change to a different employer.

I interpret your somewhat confusing post as: You are currently on a visitor pass (SVP), since your EP already expired. If so, DO NOT WORK  until you have a new EP! It is illegal and will get you thrown out of the country immediately, with no chance ever to return. Getting a new SVP after a short trip abroad might work once or twice if you were away for at least 5 days. If they suspect you are working illegally, or doing other undesirable stuff, they might just give you a few days to sort out your things and leave for good. It is better to get a proper SVP renewal from ICA - or leave Singapore for longer if you can't get one. Generally, after three months away you can enter again.


i think i do have a the same situation with you guys/gals.. i was also rejected but my employer appeal on my pass.. when i found out that it will take 3-4 mos. to process the appeal, i try to find another option which is to find  another job. fortunately i got one company willing to process my papers. i told them my story so they advice me to ask the previous company to cancel their appeal on my pass.. but this boss .. said they could not cancel the appeal, they could do nothing but to wait the result.. my question is.. is it true that my previous company could do nothing but to wait the result on the appeal? what's my other option? can i make the cancellation or only the employer can? hope to help me on this guys, and shade to light on this issue.. thanks..


Of course the employer can cancel the application - and in fact has to if you declare you are no longer interested in the job.
You can also describe the situation to MoM and they will resolve it on your behalf (the currently applying company will probably get a warning).

Edited to add: EP appeals usually take between 1 day and 1 month. They should contain some important facts that were not included in the original application, otherwise (i.e. just asking "Please look at my application again!") it is a waste of time and will be rejected again.
If you post your details here, I can try to help you figure out your chances.


hi anyone here to help me


hi,Have u got your appeal result?How long it took for you to get result?Pls inform me if youcan.great favour.Thanks alot friend


hi,Have u got your appeal result?How long it took for you to get result?Pls inform me if youcan.great favour.Thanks alot friend


hi plss help me..
its been a months since they appeal my application...
the company has a problem because they did not pay for their levy and i waited for a months until they fully paid their levy..
and now my agent said my pass still pending... its been 4months already.. but i still have my contacts to my agent... she said this last week of june they will let me know the result.. is this possible do i need to wait for this stupid agent or company?? they said if i will be approved they will increase the salary.. how will i know if my status is still pending??.. when i checked to MOM status, the day of my rejection is still the same... ? i think my agent is fooling me... i want to ask the mom but how will i contact? plss help me... thanks


An agent cannot apply for an EP or WP, only the employer (i.e. your company) can. Ask your company about the current status, or call MoM (phone number is on their website).
Not paying their levies in time is a major offence and the company might not be allowed to hire any more foreigners because of this (which would mean your EP or WP will be rejected because of this). I can only advise you to look for a better employer!


Hi, newbie here in Singapore. Is there any reason why I cant see my spass status online? the company said they already applied for it but I cant see it online. please advise. thanks.


dutchbox wrote:

Hi, newbie here in Singapore. Is there any reason why I cant see my spass status online? the company said they already applied for it but I cant see it online. please advise. thanks.

Sometimes the system is not updated fast enough, and human errors also happen occasionally.
You (or your employer) can call MoM and ask.


Hi! I just want a simple advise for me not to be worried. Please kinda help.
I came in singapore as a tourist last february and fortunately i got employer who applied me employement last may 21, 2014. When i am checking it online it is still pending but as i read in the MOM site when employer applied it online 80% of the result may take only within seven days.
Right now i am a little bit worried beppi. And my employer told me that the result may take 2-3 weeks. Is this possible?

Thank you. [Moderated: pls avoid posting your personal details on a public forum]


Processing of an EP application can take anywhere between a few days an several months, depending on how many background checks they need to perform and how long they take. There is nothing you can do but wait for the result from MoM.


For beppi! Thank you for answering me.

Hmm it frustrate me untill now as ive checked stii pending. Is there any instances that they wait too long like for two weeks but they are rejected?


Long processing time does not mean you have a higher (or lower) chance of approval. It just means their background checks take time. This could be because your home country authorities or school/university are slow in verifying your credentials.


I am a spass holder before that then it will expire on sept 1 so my employer renew may past last aug 1 but they apply for epass not spass but the i try to check to MOM online check status it was pending as an EMPLOYMENT PASS but this morning when i check again it was rejected but concern is why spass rejected suppose to be epass would be there a way i can check my Epass status tru online? please


Applying for EP and S-Pass is the same process, and the system does not differentiate.
Most probably your employer applied for EP and ticked the option on the form "consider for S-Pass if ineligible for EP".
And now you seem to be rejected for both. Sorry for that!


Hi Beppi, I am impressed by the work you are doing answering our questions. I read all the 400+ posts with your comments also in the other forum related to passes.

My question. I have worked in Singapore for 14 years in senior positions. Vice President, President in MNCs. Most of the time with EP pass, but when my company asked me to relocate back go Sweden 5 years ago I decided to apply for PEP instead as I wanted to stay in Singapore.This was approved. I managed to get another job with a new company as President. I finally left that company after 3 years as the new chairman and I did not agree. I am now since January 2013 employed by a small company owned by a local Singaporean and I am beside him the only employee. We have a contract with a Swedish company where I am supporting them as consultant in their drive to sell more in Asia. I travel a lot, I have a masters degree and 20 years relevant expericence for the job. Salary 20 k per month plus bonus.
As the PEP will expire early September, the director applied for EP for me. I did not expect it to be a problem. But it was rejected with the motivation that "The turnover of the company does not seem to generate enough revenue to pay your employees salaries and business expenses. If you wish to employ any foreigner, please give us your companys major business contracts or sales receipts".
We will of course do so, we had a 6 digit profit the first year of operation and we have a contract with the Swedish company which is ongoing, albeit with 6 months notice. Our customer is a large Swedish company with several thousand employees and quite profitable.

1. Do you think that by showing clearly that the company can afford me, I wil get the EP? Or is it common that MOM comes up with other motivations for rejection after the first one mentioned is clarified?
2. To have a rejection would be a total disaster for me and my family. After 14 years here, we have no other place to live, my oldest son is studying in Singapore on a Student Pass, My common law wife is on LTSVP and my other two kids on dependant passes. My second son has a few more exams to take to finish his IB diploma and my daugher who is 14 have just started high school.What would happen if I do not get the EP? Would I have to leave the house which the company rents for me, or can my son still stay in it? How long time would we have after my PEP expires, do I need to leave on the same day and would my family also have to leave...
Any idea you have on how I can find out more about this would be extremely useful. Do you think mentioning my family situation might help to get the EP approved? it would of course not be good for Singapore to lose students that help bring local emplyment. Thanks in advance!


Wow, what a change from the typical Indian desperate to work in Singapore, whose questions I answer almost daily!
Well, from MoM's viewpoint, a company that has six digit profit per year and pays nearly half of that to it's sole employee, thus has almost no scope to generate further local employment or economic activity, is certainly not the dream candidate.
But in my opinion something else is rather more important: You are in Singapore for 14 years (even longer than me!) and took up the PEP, which is meant as a pathway to PR and later citizenship, but show no willingness to make further commitment towards Singapore - on the contrary, by keeping your kids and partner on short-term passes you even show that you don't want to grow roots here. This might be MoM's way of giving you a warning: Apply for PR as a family or you may have to leave!
(They will give you a one year EP extension after you apply for PR, and given your profile you will probably be approved in a short time if you apply together with your kids - I am not sure if a non-married partner can be sponsored for PR, though..)

To answer your other question: After expiry of your PEP, if you have not acquired any other pass that can sponsor dependants, you'd all be given a 30-days, non-extendable SVP. After that you will have to leave the country.
And you cannot expect any understanding from the authorities for your family situation.


Thanks for the quick answer!  I was not really aware that the authorities could see it like that regarding long term stay. I have intended to apply for PR for a few years, but it was always too much papers to fill and I had very busy schedules, guess I made the wrong priority. I also thought to afford to stay in Singapore with my family I anyway needed a job with a high salary, and for those positions I would always get the EP approved. Well, I got the warning, and I hope it is not more than that.

Anyway, I booked a slot for PR interview about 2 months ago (it was impossible for about 2 months to even book a slot for the interview, now I have one booked for me, my wife (common law wife like is normal in Sweden, we have been together for 30 years and she is the mother of our three kids, but we plan to marry asap to help with the PR application) and my 13 year old daugher in November this year / that was the first slot available!). My oldest son, 20 this year is studying on a Student Pass and my other son who is 18 will study in Australia when he has finished a couple of exams, so they do not plan to apply for PR. 

Do you think that the fact that I have booked a PR slot some time ago can help in this specific situation? My PEP expire already in September. Is there anyway that I can benefit from the one year extention you mention if the EP is not approved? And what is the actual definition of PR application, is that the interview? Or can I apply earlier, before the interview date. Also you mentioned 12 months extention of the EP, but now I am on a PEP, can that also be extended?

The owner/director of my company have now added more input into the appeal, the specifics to show that the company can afford to have a foreigner employed, and he thinks the EP will be approved. If not he will ask for an interview, and if still not approved he will appeal to the MP of his district. But I am not so sure about the chances as he is. Of course, his company would lose the contract with our customer if I was expelled from Singapore, and he would lose some money but I would lose my job.  He also says that MOM nowadays turns down most applications to send a messsage and also to make sure only the really interested applicants appeal (Do you think there is any truth in this and is there any statistics on this made available?)

FInally, do you think that they know (or rather care to check) that I have an interview for PR booked, or should I poiint it out to them?

As I will be 53 years old in November do you think I will have a chance for PR? I would certainly like to stay in Singapore for long time, we have our life here.

The ideal solution would of course be that my EP appeal is approved, and that we then get the PR approved after the interview in November. Anything I can do to improve the chances of this?

Thoughts?  (and I will inform your about the outcome of course).

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