Research holiday to Malta in June!

Helz: Quote 'We were going to look for jobs schools and a place to live'..... that's a heck of a lot to try and achieve in a short visit.

Firstly, catch a few buses and get to know the layout of the  busy coastal areas,you can see far more that way than when you are driving in a small car - not knowing where you are going and trying to avoid the crazy drivers! Once you have an understanding of these roads and routes (about 2 days) then drive them yourself. The less populated villages in the centre of the island don't really have bus routes so your car would be ideal there - be prepared to get lost on those roads, signage is very confusing. The far west of the island (and down from there) is also ideal for driving. All of that will take up about 5 days and you will have got to know the 'bare bones' of the island.
Finding jobs, schools, places to live as well, I don't think so....good luck and enjoy:cool:

Hi Julian,

I didn't in any way feel that you were having a go at me .In fact ,you didn't even say anything that contradicted what I said -)))

I'm glad that you can say that you have quite a few Maltese friends , not many Expats can say that! I have even more 'real Maltese friends than Expat friends now , some of them for nearly 20 years .

I was just commenting on the ' get to know' the locals in 1 week business. It reminds me of a tourist jeep trip I took part in to 'get to know' the Bedouins in Egypt many,many years ago !


@Toon... lol

Good job we all know the type of humour on here eh !!


chelsea bun going down well...