Black Americans

@mugtech We too are an interracial couple. The search is on. not expecting “zero” racism, that of course is unrealistic, but minimal and it definitely would be a weird trade of  in a 3rd world country.  yeah…

@Toni Jamisin Fife  Hi, I was recently in Portugal and I want to let you know that Portugal is also a country of coloured migrants, specifically from places like former colonies such as Angola and Cape Verde in the Atlantic.  This does not mean that coloured migrants will be treated poorly but it does mean that you as a person of colour from the USA will not be alone.  I was in 2 different regions and found the Portugeuse very welcoming.  And if you speak Spanish they can understand you and English is also widely undestood especially because of the number of English who have retired there.  But pronunciation of Portuguese is not like Spanish so does not work easily in reverse.  Plus the country has great access to Europe!!!

@mugtech my husband and I have been married for 37 years, lived in VA for 20. Those laws are long gone. However, WV appears to be the interracial capital of the US. Not sure where you live now, but this is an update.

@brookd expensive because it is a “tourist focused” little country. meal prices for eating out… Outrageous.; Hot and humid, which works short term; and somewhat crime-y.

    @mugtech my husband and I have been married for 37 years, lived in VA for 20. Those laws are long gone. However, WV appears to be the interracial capital of the US. Not sure where you live now, but this is an update.

    -@Toni Jamisin Fife

Loving decision was in 1967, 100 years after the Civil War.  Progress comes slowly in the Confederacy.


lol, Loving vs VA is still on the books. Not honored though….. at least right now. Hopefully 🤞🏼 it stays that way.

@Toni Jamisin Fife WV? In all do respect I have an image of  stuck in time, abandoned mines and in breds living in the woods when i think of WV. Im going to have to give them a look


Hi all. I am Black, single and retired. I scouted Ecuador in 2017. First Quito, always Hostels or ABNBs. If you want to lose weight, Quito is the ticket, without even trying. Eating organic, walking everywhere and the high altitude is key. Having grown up in Virginia in the 60s hardened me to prejudice, ignorant humans. Was klansville. I met with very little or no prejudice in either Quito or Cuenca. After a couple months of having too many issues with the high altitude, I took a midnight bus to Cuenca from Quito, again initially staying at an ABNB.  Very important to scope out and join expat groups you deem suitable to you. If you are Black and alone, you will more than likely pay higher prices.  Travel with others and you may have a better experience. I settled in Cuenca for almost a year.  The young people seem to be fascinated with expats, Black or otherwise. Before I met other expats in Cuenca, I would each day pick a different numbered bus, board it and ride to the end of the line and return. If the bus was crowded and no seats were available, a young person would get up and give their seat to me. Try that in the States. I'm a clothes Diva, so I  was always stopped on the street by the locals to discuss the fabrics,  textures and the feel of the materials. Just being me, but somewhere else. Loved it.

Scouted Panama too. Found it a little too urban for my tastes. Because the majority of the population looked like me, I fit in until I opened my mouth and murdered the language.

Belize is now on my radar. Whatever you decide, look for the best in people and you usually will find it and vice-versa. Toodles.

I hate that youve grown used to feeling like an oddity, Antoinette.  I'm glad to hear that people were mostly kind to you in Cuenca, because thats where I'm headed in the next few months.  Safe travels!