Tea invitation

its opened Tea Invitation for expats in Jeddah.
Location: Downtown Almahmal Centre.
Time: 9.00pm
date:17 may 2012 this coming weekend
Note: non smokers

depends on participants decision: Wonderful Dinner will cost less than 50 per person.

'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. YES .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.',.'.'

Hello tryfly2.

Can you please post an advert in the Activites section (Events) in Jeddah classifieds.

Thank you,

I guess really we need from expat-blog team to arrange some gathering, thats will be great, do you agree with guys?

If I lived in Jeddah, I'd come :)

Alliecat wrote:

If I lived in Jeddah, I'd come :)

thats will be nice. I think expats in Jeddah are afraid as we see the post title'' expats in Jeddah let meet up '' more than 1 year now and no meeting or arrangement.

thats not normal.

I heard there is an excellent Filipino rest/steak shop in Downtown Mahmal Center. Heard alot of reviews about it. Is the meeting there?

its today but no reply. so am going out now and so may be another day.

agent47 wrote:

I heard there is an excellent Filipino rest/steak shop in Downtown Mahmal Center. Heard alot of reviews about it. Is the meeting there?

no just tea there , and dinner will be in Alhamra Dist.

I went with my friend, he loved the tea and wow the dinner, we saw many expats there from Russia, England, Greece ( I think ).

may be next weekend insha Allah.

take care then everybody.

can you please inform us on how to meet and where exactly in mahmal centre

z.ghanem@hotmail.com wrote:

can you please inform us on how to meet and where exactly in mahmal centre

its simple, 7th floor tea corner.

hi again,
last weekend I was busy with photography team for training in downtown. was really nice journey and got many beautiful photos.