
salary question


I would like your opinion about the following salary package.We will be two,no kids.It is about a company
based in Dubai.

*General allowance:9607aed
Total: 19214aed

*22working days
*one yearly return ticket for self,spouse and children
*medical insurance for self,spouse and children
*No accommodation is provided. However, the position entitles for the following rent assistance (if i wish to avail) apart from the salary package:

Ceiling of Rent Amount: AED 60,000/- p.a.
Annual Deduction Amount from salary : AED 48,000/- (Monthly AED 4,000/-).
Any amount above AED 48,000/- (but until the ceiling amount of AED 60,000/-, that is max AED 12,000/-) shall be borne by the company.

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Do you believe 19214 would be enough for us to pay the rent, the house bills,food,transport,etc ??.

Are we going to struggle or having a normal life doing some savings as well?.

Thank you

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Hi KnightRider,

It is very hard to answer with a simple yes or no... this depends on your lifestyle... a big percentage of the expatriates in uae are surviving for less than 2,000 AED per month, on the other hand, some people spend 3 times this amount in one night out.

So I would say this... with this salary, you can live a good life, pay all your bills, go out have fun occasionally, but I don't expect you would be able to save any money at least in the first 1 year, especially if your spouse isn't working, as you will be spending a lot on furniture, possibly buying a car (monthly installments)...

Food: just like everywhere in the world, if you want to eat everyday in restaurants, you need a huge budget, if you cook at home, you will save a lot,

cars and gas here are cheap...

communications/ phones/ internet are also cheap compared to income, for example my internet is 199 AED per month, 512 KBit/sec upload / 8 MBit/sec download... unlimited monthly data transfer

Rent: For 60,000 AED , you can get a very good 1 bedroom apartment. There are cheaper or more expensive rents, depending on the area you decide to live in. But Dubai's life style is that of Luxury... so most buildings come with a common area swimming pool, shared gym, underground parking... so you will like that...

My advice, take the job, try the country out for 1 year... if you like it, most probably your spouse will find a job... and then you will be able to enjoy life + save some money...



thank you "im in the desert". i will reconsider that.
yes hopefully in case my wife finds a job , things will be much better.
thank you anyway.