Skype interview for nursing position time difference

can someone confirm that malta is 1 hour ahead of UK.
my interview is at 12noon so does that mean i need to be online at 11.ooam

anyone got any advice? nervous and no idea why?

yes malta is i hour ahead of the time
good luck with the interviwe


yes Malta is 1hr ahead of UK.

just be yourself. and you wiLl be fine - GOOD LUCK

Good luck!xx

thanks guys....keep you posted.

Yep the time difference is one hour ahead out here.

As for the skype interview, my only advice would be to talk in a measured voice, don't babble in case the connection is dodgy and your words get lost, don't wave your hands about lots as that's really distracting, and take a few seconds before answering each of their questions. If you are prone to nerves maybe hold a stress ball on your lap - make sure it's out of view of the camera! - and give it a quick squeeze if you need to calm down.

Oh, and make sure you have a neat background! Employers won't be impressed by a pile of washing or dirty dished behind you, nor a messy desk!

Best of luck!!

i have to answer you and say that this is one of the best replies i have had on malta blog. very useful tips. thank you very much.

if i ever get out to malta i will meet up with you, with my dirty dishes!!!!

thank you very much

Hope we can! Best of luck, let us know how it goes :)

When I had a recent skype interview, I placed the computer on the coffee table and placed post it notes at each side giving me hints on questions and answers that are likely to be asked. 
I know that sometimes nerves makes the mind go blank, so the notes were there as a safety blanket.  It worked out ok for me.
Good luck