Moving to Malta for summer season May-October 2013

Hi Everyone

Just looking for a few answers. I live and work in Majorca in the summer season and Goa in the winter season.

I do Karaoke, Dj'ing, Racenights, Bingo and Comedy and a few people have told me I would do well in Malta.

I have never been to Malta so I have no idea what the entertainment is like in the bars and hotels. Bingo and Racenights (gambling) are not really allowed in Mallorca and Goa but no one seems to care. I don't know if they are relaxed about that in Malta.

I presume like Spain you just apply for a NIE number and then can work in hotels etc. I don't know how I would stand after 90 days, would I then have to apply for residency.

Which is the most popular tourist resort for the British and very high on my list of working in Malta is the Golf course and practice facilities there any good. I have already researched the course but would like peoples opinion on it

Thanks in advance for your help with my queries

Hi jmr,

welcome to the forum.

Are you considering working in Malta during the summer or winter season? That will make a big difference.

Bingo and gambling are very popular in Malta but,as most things, highly regulated and the Maltese will care. Especially those already operating legally.

From your profile you are British so you would have no problem working in Malta and becoming a resident after 3 months.

The most popular resort with the British is the Bugibba area but Sliema/St.Julians is also very attractive.

Can't say much about the golf course except that the only player I know travels a lot to play on courses in Sicilly and elsewhere.


You cannot work unless you are a resident, but the process is simple, as long as you are an EU citizen

Thanks for the replies. Yes I am English, but the 2 replies above seem to contradict each other slightly.
I will be over for the Summer season.

Hi jmr,

no contradiction !

To work in Malta you will have to be a resident ( apply for ID card and/or residency depending on the rules next year). I was just assuming that you will not find work in Malta that fast and that you will have to apply for residency on the basis of your financial power within the 3 months given as a tourist.

If things are bad in the entertainment in Spain don't expect it to be better in Malta , especially for foreigners.

I personally tend to be quite realistic about work opportunities in Malta. I've seen too many Expats fail. It is always difficult unless you are a specialist in IT,finance or international business.


I see. Things are not bad in the entertainment business in Majorca for me, the clientele are too young and there are to many stag parties for half the season when I am there. I wish for a change from Magaluf/Palmanova (I guess I'm getting old). It will only take me a week to find work in hotels. The hotel manager will either say yes or no. I've never had a problem with finding work over here or Goa so hopefully I will be ok in the hotels in Bugibba.