
abaya & covering head

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Hello everyone,

I think this topic has been discussed earlier many times, so if some one can give me a good link, I will be grateful.

my question was however, that apart from wearing abaya, is it compulsory to cover the head or hair ?


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i think it is not compulsory to cover the hair or head for non muslim women...i saw many in the mall not covering their head....


No but most western women will cover their head when they see the cranky hankies come up to them and say or gesture to cover their head... better to not buy trouble or is they are going to more traditional areas eg batha


Thanks for input. If every woman is in abaya or burqa how can one guess that a woman is non-muslim? By color of the skin, I think.


Irrespective of religion, race, skin; *all* women are supposed to keep their heads/hair covered. Or as @Ju1cyLucy said, get ready for a warm reception by cranky hankies :)


Whether or not you are religious shouldnt be an issue. Muslim or not everyone wears the abayas. trendwise the saudis, are more likely to wear the plain on or the more expensive intricate ones like with handembroidery or quality swarovskies. expats tend to have more colourful ones but they are frowned upon by the matawa. As a female westerner, i dont mind the abayas- fantastic for convection cooling in 45+celcius heat and avoiding a sunburn:s


I always thought it would be much fairer if men wore Abbaya too. However this too would probably be against islamic law as men are not allowed to dress "like women" as far as I understand it.

Evening star


eveningstar wrote:

I always thought it would be much fairer if men wore Abbaya too. However this too would probably be against islamic law as men are not allowed to dress "like women" as far as I understand it.

Evening star

HA HA HA Very well said, Islam can be well said as male chauvinistic religion


Well, some Muslim men do wear the thobe, which covers most of their body, so it is pretty much the same.

I actually like the thobes, but then again, I am biase, so.....


kharidar wrote:
eveningstar wrote:

I always thought it would be much fairer if men wore Abbaya too. However this too would probably be against islamic law as men are not allowed to dress "like women" as far as I understand it.

Evening star

HA HA HA Very well said, Islam can be well said as male chauvinistic religion

Dear Friend,
in Christianity,
women are asked to cut off their hair, if they don't cover their head in 1 Corinthians 11:6.

i am sure you have a bad impression about the islam due to some minority muslims following wrong ideas.i would advice, dont judge book by its cover. dont judge Islam by its followers rather by scriptures. :)
Thanks for reading.


Dear Friend,
in Christianity,
women are asked to cut off their hair, if they don't cover their head in 1 Corinthians 11:6.

I think you will find that was Paul not Jesus who said that. Jesus was more mellow.

Evening Star


Am i correct in thinking that my wife cannot wear the thobe? I have told her that she will have to wear an Abbaya when she gets here and she would rather wear a thobe. Given a choice of course she would rather wear ordinary clothes.

Evening Star


1. Wearing abaya is compulsory
2. Covering head of officially compulsory for muslims and non-muslims however you ma not cover it untill unless a mutawwa (religios police) ask you to do so.
If he ask you to cover donr argue and simply cover it.


kharidar wrote:

Thanks for input. If every woman is in abaya or burqa how can one guess that a woman is non-muslim? By color of the skin, I think.

Rules are same for all. Excwept that if you are non-muslic they cant put you in for not praying if found wandering on the roads (this is vvv rate but yes it has happened to people)


planetoja wrote:
kharidar wrote:
eveningstar wrote:

I always thought it would be much fairer if men wore Abbaya too. However this too would probably be against islamic law as men are not allowed to dress "like women" as far as I understand it.

Evening star

HA HA HA Very well said, Islam can be well said as male chauvinistic religion

Dear Friend,
in Christianity,
women are asked to cut off their hair, if they don't cover their head in 1 Corinthians 11:6.

i am sure you have a bad impression about the islam due to some minority muslims following wrong ideas.i would advice, dont judge book by its cover. dont judge Islam by its followers rather by scriptures. :)
Thanks for reading.

Dear Friend,

i have bad impression of all religion and also good impression of all religion. I understand the importance of religion in social life but I am also open to criticism. I respect people of every faith and please don't be offended. ;)

seeker of truth

kharidar wrote:

Dear Friend,

i have bad impression of all religion and also good impression of all religion. ;)

Does it mean that you are neutral? yinyang?! :)


kharidar wrote:

I respect people of every faith and please don't be offended. ;)

If you had meant it, You wouldn't have winked at the end of it !! :)

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