
Can men wear shorts while in shopping malls?

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Are men allowed to wear shorts whilst shopping in the malls????

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Yes - But it may create problems.
Shorts not covering your knees -- NO WAY!


timothy-ronin wrote:

Are men allowed to wear shorts whilst shopping in the malls????

For some stupid reason, nowadays they are not allowing it. I was stopped last week from entering a mall while wearing cargo shorts, that were way below my knees. I remember wearing them earlier to these malls and no one would object.


Aslong it covers the awrah. From the navel to the knees must be covered.


slyshooter wrote:
timothy-ronin wrote:

Are men allowed to wear shorts whilst shopping in the malls????

For some stupid reason, nowadays they are not allowing it. I was stopped last week from entering a mall while wearing cargo shorts, that were way below my knees. I remember wearing them earlier to these malls and no one would object.

happened to me at gallery also a few weeks back, nad i wear manpris


My knees can only be seen by my wife in private.

Evening star


well said ^^


eveningstar wrote:

My knees can only be seen by my wife in private.

Evening star



whats so funny ^^

Salman Omrani

I find this thread .. amusing, lol. I wear long shorts all the time. its not a big deal if "some" malls dont let you in. i shop in carrefour all the time with my shorts. as long as it aint above your knees its okay, and above knees is okay when your in the desert or something, as long as it doesn't look like a bikini :rolleyes: lol!


Depends on the short as long as the knee won't show. but better wear clothes properly than be questioned by police.

Salman Omrani

Emman Lopez wrote:

Depends on the short as long as the knee won't show. but better wear clothes properly than be questioned by police.

I was never questioned by police for clothing. where did you hear this?


well in your nationality, in my experience and friends stories it does happend companied by mutawa too.

Salman Omrani

Emman Lopez wrote:

well in your nationality, in my experience and friends stories it does happend companied by mutawa too.

what do you mean "in my nationality"?

and correction, an officer usually companies the "mutawa" aka PVPV or religious police. not the other way around. :)

seeker of truth

eveningstar wrote:

My knees can only be seen by my wife in private.

Evening star


Yeah! It is a private part that should be only shown to our love one! :lol:


Salman Omrani wrote:
Emman Lopez wrote:

well in your nationality, in my experience and friends stories it does happend companied by mutawa too.

what do you mean "in my nationality"?

and correction, an officer usually companies the "mutawa" aka PVPV or religious police. not the other way around. :)

even a non religious police or a security in mall can now question those who they wanted to, brother open your mind, what about those who do not have the same religion us yours, what about those who do not speak arabic well that cannot protect themselves from mutawa. you have a mustach and you wear shorts covered knees ofcourse they will not Q. you, what about those who wear shorts but thus not have beard, yes tehy can Q. them. And i am saying this through my experience.

Salman Omrani

Emman Lopez wrote:

even a non religious police or a security in mall can now question those who they wanted to, brother open your mind, what about those who do not have the same religion us yours, what about those who do not speak arabic well that cannot protect themselves from mutawa. you have a mustach and you wear shorts covered knees ofcourse they will not Q. you, what about those who wear shorts but thus not have beard, yes tehy can Q. them. And i am saying this through my experience.

so in other words, you meant to say my beard not my nationality correct?

well in that case, it is probably true that I'd have a less chance of getting questioned as you put it. but seriously if youre going to malls that harass you or your partner or friends just for wearing different attire even if it is not "really" prohibited, you should change your malls, head to different ones that don't, i'm speaking in a "general" manner, this is a concern for everyone.

if people face problems at some places, just change the places. unless your going to government sectors or hospitals, companies etc. then you have to dress formally.

but seriously shorts, not just me, I see indians, paki's, americans and Brits you name it. everyone is wearin'em and we never get questioned. so even if it does happens its either a rare case or a bad place. just sayin.


as for my nationality. I'm officially from Pakistan. im a TCK though.


anyway thats life, lets just all face it. wether you ignore it or in a safer place if it is your faith it will happen.


Salman Omrani wrote:
Emman Lopez wrote:

even a non religious police or a security in mall can now question those who they wanted to, brother open your mind, what about those who do not have the same religion us yours, what about those who do not speak arabic well that cannot protect themselves from mutawa. you have a mustach and you wear shorts covered knees ofcourse they will not Q. you, what about those who wear shorts but thus not have beard, yes tehy can Q. them. And i am saying this through my experience.

so in other words, you meant to say my beard not my nationality correct?

well in that case, it is probably true that I'd have a less chance of getting questioned as you put it. but seriously if youre going to malls that harass you or your partner or friends just for wearing different attire even if it is not "really" prohibited, you should change your malls, head to different ones that don't, i'm speaking in a "general" manner, this is a concern for everyone.

if people face problems at some places, just change the places. unless your going to government sectors or hospitals, companies etc. then you have to dress formally.

but seriously shorts, not just me, I see indians, paki's, americans and Brits you name it. everyone is wearin'em and we never get questioned. so even if it does happens its either a rare case or a bad place. just sayin.


as for my nationality. I'm officially from Pakistan. im a TCK though.

what is TCK??im just curious to the meaning of it...

Salman Omrani

benchmarkzenith wrote:

what is TCK??im just curious to the meaning of it...

oh, All Expats should know whats TCK, it means Third Culture Kid.

people who grow up in a culture different of their parents in general but it can be a lot more complicated than that. they often lose the sense of belonging and cant find who they really are. parents should be aware of this as they dont really go through it.

its a good read, googling it would be a fun/interesting idea.

I never knew I was a TCK until recently, it answered a whole lot of my questions.



@Salman,  I would argue the comment that you get away with things due to the beard.  I think they expect MORE from you since they think you are a jr. mutawa!

Salman Omrani

Well, I can only agree to that :lol:


Salman Omrani wrote:
benchmarkzenith wrote:

what is TCK??im just curious to the meaning of it...

oh, All Expats should know whats TCK, it means Third Culture Kid.

people who grow up in a culture different of their parents in general but it can be a lot more complicated than that. they often lose the sense of belonging and cant find who they really are. parents should be aware of this as they dont really go through it.

its a good read, googling it would be a fun/interesting idea.

I never knew I was a TCK until recently, it answered a whole lot of my questions.


hmmm.... Tx @Salman. This answer lots of my questions as well :top:


Alliecat wrote:

@Salman,  I would argue the comment that you get away with things due to the beard.  I think they expect MORE from you since they think you are a jr. mutawa!

Why Jr.? Age is no factor to be a Muttawa I believe. Youngsters can be :D


I have started to grow a beard... and Im young


TheLegendLeads wrote:
Alliecat wrote:

@Salman,  I would argue the comment that you get away with things due to the beard.  I think they expect MORE from you since they think you are a jr. mutawa!

Why Jr.? Age is no factor to be a Muttawa I believe. Youngsters can be :D

Yeah.  Let some kid try to tell me what to do :rolleyes:


Don't be a Muttawa @EastLondon. You know all secrets (I'm sure) and could prove fatal :/

Lately, I got surprized to know that they started checking on the under-ground parkings. My immediate expression was "How the heck do they know...". Obviously some youngster Muttawa enlightened them :D


@TLL  Actually, I'd read about the underground parking 'goings on' in a book titled Princess, about the life of a Saudi Princess. 

The underground parking exploits were mentioned from when she was in her teens in the 60's/70's.  So it's been around for a long time!


Alliecat wrote:

@TLL  Actually, I'd read about the underground parking 'goings on' in a book titled Princess, about the life of a Saudi Princess. 

The underground parking exploits were mentioned from when she was in her teens in the 60's/70's.  So it's been around for a long time!

I know about the book & in fact have went through.
Can't recall this part. Memory issues I'm sure :(


@TLL maybe this will help:  when they were caught, the one girl was 'punished' by being drowned in the family swimming pool for bringing shame upon the family and the other was married off as a third wife to an old Beduoin 3X her age.

TheLegendLeads it now :)
Must have done in a PM.


if your planing to a mall i don't suggest you wear Shorts
the security guy will stop you at the door step and say sorry you cant enter

Just yesterday in panorama mall one of my shirt buttons was open and my chest was visible
they came and asked me to close my button


sexy lol


they play hard to get lol but chasing a gal for an hour wow... I can get in minutes bruv


thats funny

Salman Omrani

you guys sure you want to continue this discussion in public?


See its for awareness I think
If you want me to delete I will


Salman Omrani wrote:

you guys sure you want to continue this discussion in public?

Because of course we all believe them ;)


Hope that's better


Salman Omrani wrote:

you guys sure you want to continue this discussion in public?

NO! too :offtopic:

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