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Kilkee Ssinger

I've found on wikipedia and in other sources that before Romans and after, on the terittory of Andorra respectively Val d'Aran lived ethnic groups of Andosini / Aranosios. So I am wodering do todays Andorrans and Arans are descendent of that people, or they just took their names.
Yea, and did Andosini spoke distinct language before Romans, or they spoke Basque language.

Please someone answer, I really want to know this.


                                                 Anđelko; Bosnia&H


Hello Kilkee Ssinger.

Welcome to! :)



How is your interest for Andorra?

The origin of the word  “Andorra” isn’t know. Perhaps:
•    The arabic word  “al-Darra” that means forest.
•    The word from Navarre (Basque) “andurrial” that means full of shrubbery.
•    Other word basque “anorra” that contains the word “ur” that means wather.
•    And the last one, people say that Carlemeny call this region “Endor o Andor” in the Biblic Valley of Canaan where the madianites (the Midianites were the descendants of Midian) were defeated

Simon in Andorra

Yes, the Andorrans are descended from the Andosins.

Best regards,

Simon Binsted

Simon in Andorra

Aranosis are the original inhabitants of the Vall d'Aran, which is, at least in mediaeval terms, a very, very long way away from Andorra and even today a journey of about three hours by car. As for the Basque country that's even further away and no one knows from where the Basques got their language (there are various theories, but none that stand up to close scrutiny).

As for the Andosins, who knows what they spoke? The Andosins were 9th century inhabitants around these parts and the first treatise in recognisable "modern" Catalan, was in the 14th century in the Homílies d'Organyà written by the local priest(Organyà is close to Andorra)and five centuries can make a lot of difference. I don't think that anyone can tell you for certain.