Getting married before moving to KL.


My fiance and I are going to be moving to KL next year From the US and I'm really stuck on what to do about getting married before going over.
I know I'll be covered under her visa and insurance (we're moving because of her job), having a next of kin in country, etc. if we get married before, but then again we don't want to rush things as we just got engaged only a few months ago.

She assures me that everything will be fine, that getting a job will be doable in 3 months on a tourist visa (which i was told i can extend possibly if needed) with my resume, and that it's not worth rushing our marraige.

I agree on a lot of this but is it worth the risk?  What pros or cons am I missing? 

I would like to hear others feedback on this who have any experience about this. Is it worth rushing a marraige for the slight risk something should happen and I'm not covered? Your thoughts.

Welcome to ExPattCMG!

Hope that other members will share their experience with you soon.;)

Good luck,

Hi congrats on marriage! Firstly though you can get a visa as spouse of a work permit holder so tourist visa just for first entry. Her company should arrange this. With this you are supposed to be able get permission to work far easier than before. However TIM (this is Malaysia) and logic doesn't work here!

Your employability depends on skills experience and quals. Many expat wives usually just shop and booze for two years as getting a job difficult!