Looking for new friends in Dublin

Hello everyone,

My name is Sylvain, 26 years old and french. i just arrived last week in Dublin and i would like to meet some people to do some activities and a lot of things

Please let me knoe
Thank you

Hello Sylvain.

Welcome to Expat.com! :)


Hi Sylvain,
How are you doing? I am also 26 and I am from Brazil living here for more than 4 years... Let me know if you interested we can go for a coffee .. Lea


I'm Liis and I'm from Estonia. I arrived in Dublin few months ago but still, it would be nice to meet new people around here:)
Let me know if you are interested in doing something.


Im Spanish living here for more than 2 months
I really like to meet new people from everywhere
I was working as french teacher in Málaga last year
so I love travelling and others
Let me know if you like to have a beer next days