Trying to move to Jordan

I would like to move to Jordan and locate my family.  I live in NY, USA and don't have much work experience.  I did attend college for my bachelors in public affairs.  Also, I don't speak much Arabic.  Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for moving to Jordan and obtaining a job, any job to make ends meet?

first of All , the language is not big problem, here ppl understand English ,but they can't deliver what they want to say or answer u ..

and also work is not hard to find here , not in ur field , just ask ur self what u can do ?
why dont try to open new e-commerce website ? or import some things funny from there ..?

thats easy my sister ,you can get agood job here

How about trying schools and other institutions to see if you can get a job teaching English?
The other way is spreading the news to anybody and everybody there that you are looking for work!

Georgia @