Seeking job

Hi everyone!

I'm going to move in Toulouse in January 2013 and I'm seeking after a job now maybe as assistant or customer service I have experience in my past with this kind of positions

Any offers ?

Ho Lin,

I don't think you gonna get any offers for a job here. Jobs opportunities are quite complicated to get these days especially in Toulouse. Some of my friends living in Toulouse are still looking for a job since ages. I don't want to be hopeless but Toulouse is definitly not the best city to find a job. Do you speak french or only english ? You can also check at "pole emploi" (national job seeker agency) or online through or

Good luck !

Thanks for your response but I'm a little bit more optimistic than you :)
I'm speaking only English
And I started to search in those sites you mentioned
Wish me luck

I wish u luck obviously ! I'm pessimistic I just say that even for french people in Toulouse find a job is quite complicated. On top of that you only speak english. What don't you consider Paris for an exemple ?

Because my boyfriend live in Toulouse and I'm moving with Paris is not an option..unfortunately

Ho okay got it. Well you should try Airbus as well. As you speak english you'll have maybe more luck with them. All the best anyway, Toulouse is a fabulous city :-)

Hello Lin1.

Welcome to! :)

Do not hesitate to post an advert on the Jobs in Toulouse section as well. It can help.

These articles could be useful -> Work/Labor market in France..

Good luck in your research,