Looking to move to Cuenca on a pensioners visa

We are Canadians looking to move to Cuenca on a pensioners visa.  Since Canada does not have an apostille agreement, could anybody help us with that and exactly what documents we need. Also, should we have them translated into Spanish here or in Ecuador.  Any help or info would be greatly appreciated.  Bryan and Karen

Hello stick1947.

Welcome to Expat.com! :)

For more interaction, a new thread has been created from your message in the Cuenca forum.

Thank you,

Hey Bryan and Karen,
Not being from Canada, I really don't know. I would think all the same documents we need here from the states, just skipping the apostilled step?
You'll definitely need proof of your pension amount from the administrator in Canada. Other than that, I'd assume all the normal documents that are required for us downhill from you.
Marriage Certificate, Police Report, Birth Certificate. I guess you'd want them notorized?
I have been told by my attorney in Cuenca it is best to get all translation done in Ecuador.
I'm sure you'll get more complete info from aother Canadian that has gone through the process, which is always your best bet.
Just wanted to respond with something so you didn't think we were ignoring Canada. You might want to contact an attorney over there to get the full skinney. Most of them will give you that info no charge. Mine did. P/M me if interested in atty. Also, you can find recommendations for them on this site, or, Gringo Tree.
Good Luck to you both in your endeavors!
Stay Well,

Neil..I am a newbie on blogging so didn't know what to expect. I have read many blogs on Cuenca and all seem to be as positive and helpful in their advice as you are. Thank you for you advice and hopefully I can shake your hand soon. 

I wouldn't advise skipping anything. Ecuadorians are overly fond of correct paperwork. I found this link about what Canadians do in lieu of an apostille. Hope it helps.

Canada alternative to apostille


I think most of us are in a similar boat. As was posted, I did NOT mean to intend on skipping anything. I was only going by your statement that Cananda doesn't require the apostille process. Thats why I left a question mark at the end of the statement. I think EDD assumed I was giving out improper information. Not my intent, and I thought I'd phrased it as open ended. As always, I would highly recommend you speak to an attorney. I think your best bet is one that practices immigration law in Ecuador. As I said in my earlier post, there are plenty of reputable ones to choose from.

Best of Luck
and I too look forward to shaking hands
Stay Well

Edd. I have read many of your blogs on Cuenca and got a lot of helpful info.  This link is one more piece to make things easier. Just hope we can afford to make the move after all the money grabbing government fees.
  Thank you   Bryan

Neil.  I understood what you meant. As an American, you have a slightly different system than we do in Canada. We have pretty much decided to come for a 2 or 3 month visit and hope to talk to as many expats as are willing to share.  Thanks again   Bryan