Homeless.. :/

I am homeless since yesterday since my dad kicked me out the house yesterday.. If anyone knows a room in malta for not too expensive, plz let me know. I dont need a whole apartment, i prefer sharing and having a good time together. Cheers!

Hi Markus

Horrible being homeless and cold.......particularly at this time of year and having to rely on internet cafe's/iphones for communication; and the goodwill of your friends.  I'm sure that if people on here were aware of the circumstances surrounding your current position you may get further assistance - there are people willing to help genuine homelessness..........can you be a little more specific as to your needs?

Hi Markus,

your's is an unusual post and there is probably things that we are not aware of.

The average price for a shared room is around 250 € . Check out the 'Housing' section. There are always offers posted there.

I have to presume that you have no income (otherwise there would be no problem). How old are you ?


It's ok, all solved now! Thx :)

Hi Markus,

I'm glad to hear that and thanks for the feedback.
