
Problem with the title of the song, please help!


Does anyone know what is the title of the song in the background? I know it's funny that i am asking you about this here but if you could please find a title and answer. I have great memories from Vitoria! I was there about one month ago. Greetings!!

Day without a car in vitoria

See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideCPF for foreignersDivorce/Permanent ResidencyBrit moving to Brazil with minimal PortugueseHigher education certificate accredited by MEC for Naturalization.

Hi Damian,

Well I see you were in Vitória ES long enough to get bitten by the "Arrocha" bug. You're not alone, it's a musical style that is catching on like an epidemic in Brazil. Not terribly different than Forró and how it took off, just newer and more risque or as we say here in Brazil "brega".

The particular piece being sung in your video footage is:

Sinal Disfarçado by Zé Ricardo e Thiago

It is indeed a chart topper and you can watch the original version on Youtube.

If you want to listen to others then just enter Arrocha in the search and you'll get enough results to make you homesick for Brazil and have you rushing out to buy another airfare.

The lyrics

Sinal Disfarçado (participação Israel Novaes)
Zé Ricardo e Thiago

Peguei no seu cabelo você diz que ficou louca
Falei no ouvidinho vou beijar na sua boca.
Você piscou pra mim dizendo estou acompanhada
E o cara do seu lado olhando sem entender nada
Era ele virar e você me olhava pra gente combinar
Um sinal disfarçado com o jeito safado
Gostoso de me olhar

Vai no banheiro pra gente se beijar
Bem lá no escurinho pra ninguém desconfiar
Cara de santa mais não me engana não
É hoje que eu te pego
E você não escapa não

Vai no banheiro pra gente se beijar
Bem lá no escurinho pra ninguém desconfiar
Cara de santa mais não me engana não
É hoje que eu te pego
Você não escapa não

Se eu te pego ãh
Se eu te beijo ãh
Se eu te pego ãh ãh ãh ãh ãh

Risque, you bet! This song is the story of a guy who picks up a woman in a nightclub (boate) who is with some other guy. She's flirting with him behind her date's back and they sneak off to the bathroom together.

A música realmente brega mesmo.

Happy New Year, hope you come back and visit us soon!

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


Many thanks for your reply. Great music... I am marine engineer so maybe in the close future I visit this great country again. We were in Vitoria by 2 weeks. Nice city. Also you have nice complex in Porto Tubarao. Greetings!


Hi Damian,

Just remember that if you come back to visit and you are again in Vitória, Macaé isn't all that far away... it may not be nearly as nice as Vitória by any means, but I'd sure enjoy the chance to meet you personally. Even if I have to come there.

Don't wait to long before your next visit. I've heard that the "withdrawl symptoms" of coming off Brazil cold turkey are pretty rough. You've got to get your next fix soon. hahahaha

I'm lucky, I got hooked on Brazil eleven years ago and never tried to kick the habit. Never will!

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team