
How to find job in Jakarta?


which profile


monika.dixit wrote:

which profile



Dear all my friends,

My name is Mahmoud and I am Egyptian. I really love an Indonesian girl now and wish to be beside of her. May I ask for someone here to get me any kind of job in there? I want to relocate there and try to marry her.
I've got my Bachelor Degree in Information System, currently work in Vodafone Egypt. My specialization is in the IT field, but any kind of job is ok with me, teaching Arabic, English,  NGO, anything.
Please, if anyone here can help me to find one, I will be so grateful.
Thanks in advance.


hi guys ,,
    sorry for late answer ,,
I'm working as a technical support for networks issues. so i hope this clear the topic.



Hi all..

I am Romy. I live in Jakarta.
Well, actually I am currently looking for any expat who lives in Jakarta.
Actually, I have an italian friend who wants to move and looking for an opportunity here. In Jakarta.
Would you help me to share the info about how did you guys move here?
I just need the info actually.

Thanks :)

Romy :)


Hi Romy, hopefully you have read some forum posts before asking that question. If not I would suggest you do. If your friend has a skill or craft that an Inodoneisan does not possess and find an employer who sponsor him then he has a good chance of legal work.
But do read other posts to help you understand more.


Oh hi Luke,

Thanks for your replied. I am new here so I still have no idea where should I post to be honest.
Can you help me then? :)


Romina, read this entire thread and click the links to start to give you more information
It would also be fairly useful if you expanded more on what your friend is looking to do here as in what skill he has and his current career.

Those things will get you more help


romina89 wrote:

Oh hi Luke,

Thanks for your replied. I am new here so I still have no idea where should I post to be honest.
Can you help me then? :)

Much as it's a new topic on this tread, I suppose it's as good a place as any to start.
Luke is right, your friend needs to have skills that are difficult or impossible to find amongst Indonesians.
Work permits are difficult to get here, so it'll be a hard job finding legal work unless he/she can do something special.

Perhaps you could give us a few details about your friend, education level, a rough outline of previous employment, that sort of stuff.


Fred wrote:
romina89 wrote:

Oh hi Luke,

Thanks for your replied. I am new here so I still have no idea where should I post to be honest.
Can you help me then? :)

Much as it's a new topic on this tread, I suppose it's as good a place as any to start.
Luke is right, your friend needs to have skills that are difficult or impossible to find amongst Indonesians.
Work permits are difficult to get here, so it'll be a hard job finding legal work unless he/she can do something special.

Perhaps you could give us a few details about your friend, education level, a rough outline of previous employment, that sort of stuff.

Oh hi Fred,

Thanks for your comment. Umm what I know that he's currently working as account in an insurance company in Milan. He wouldn't mind to work as an Italian teacher or chef though. He just wanted to move from italy.
But of course still looking for an oppurtinity. He has no idea how to find a job here. Unfortunately he only has me here. That's why I am trying to ask you guys like how did you move here and how did you find a job as an expat? :)


I've tried. But there's no answer ahaha
I actually wanted to sent  you a private message but I can't.
In order to prevent spam issues. I don't understand why :(


romina89 wrote:

I've tried. But there's no answer ahaha
I actually wanted to sent  you a private message but I can't.
In order to prevent spam issues. I don't understand why :(

The forum has a problem with spammers and scammers.
Many forums do, but many such people aim at expats as they're seen as rich, so good targets.

Accountants are not likely to get legal work out here, but an Italian teacher has a hops, but only if they're correctly qualified.
Saying that, Italian doesn't seem all that popular, but give it a google and see what happens.


You could try these links … karta.html

Or … di_lingua/

Your friend should also enquire with the Italian embassy here and the Indonesian embassy in Italy for advice.


I really hope your friend is successful in getting a job here. However, getting a job is one thing but getting all the approvals done by immigration is another. Corruption in immigration is still rampant and includes intimidation, a never ending list of required documents that increases every time you visit immigration, threats that your documents won't be accepted, pointless requests for ambiguous documents and so on. Usually when this happens it means you have been targeted and they will try to make things really difficult until finally you ask them how to make things happen faster.

I am not talking about Bali because I have no idea how it is over there but from what I have read in this forum nearly every immigration officer is honest there.

But in certain cities in Java it goes on and on. If you find yourself in such a situation, be sure to secretly record every conversation that takes place at immigration. The recordings can be passed to the anti-corruption department in Jakarta who will take action.


Luke, thanks for the info. I've tried to see about IIC. But there's no opportunity right now.
And unfortunately that web, all expired :(
But, thank God, I met an italian here and he gave me his contact.
So, I'll try to ask him :)

Hey Hansson, yeah I know it's kinda difficult to find one here if we don't have connection or experience maybe.
Thanks, btw :)


Hello all!

I want to ask about the job in Jakarta. Because i've heard it's hard to find a job there. I'm from Europe and planning to move to Jakarta. And looking for civil engineering job. Can anyone help me about this ? Thank you!


I think that your best chance is to apply for a job overseas from wherever you are now. Then get sent overseas with an expat package. If you are currently a civil engineer, then you should be open to anything vaguely related to what you are doing now. For example, consider working in the oil industry, although I don't know if anyone is hiring these days considering the price of oil. But this kind of job can take you overseas to places such as Indonesia and Thailand as well as many others.


Hansson wrote:

I am not talking about Bali because I have no idea how it is over there but from what I have read in this forum nearly every immigration officer is honest there.

But in certain cities in Java it goes on and on. If you find yourself in such a situation, be sure to secretly record every conversation that takes place at immigration. The recordings can be passed to the anti-corruption department in Jakarta who will take action.

I would have agreed with that advice up to around 5 years ago, but not so much now.
I wouldn't tell you not to record conversations, but it's unlikely you'll get anything that the KPK would be interested in.
Corruption in immigration is a thing of the past as far as my experience goes, and that of every other expat I've spoken to directly.
I've been to immigration a lot over this last few months and spoken to a lot of foreigners I came across there, but not a one complained of corruption (although one was less than happy at the officers because there were issues with her family).
I have to applaud the Indonesian immigration service for the rapid eradication of the old corruption problem they had.

Back to the topic in hand.
Any foreigner wishing to work legally in Indonesia has to prove they have skills unavailable or rare in the Indonesian workforce. The purpose is simply to protect the Indonesian population from a flood of foreign workers entering an already competitive workforce.


Martr wrote:

Hello all!

I want to ask about the job in Jakarta. Because i've heard it's hard to find a job there. I'm from Europe and planning to move to Jakarta. And looking for civil engineering job. Can anyone help me about this ? Thank you!

It is hard to get a job, but the jobs tend to be well paid.
The hiring company has to pay quite a lot of money for the visa and work permit, and expat salaries tend to be quite high, probably well above 20 million/month.
A more accurate number can probably be gained from someone in the trade.


Back to immigration issues for expats coming here to work.

I've been having a lot of dealings with immigration over this last few months and there has not been a single occasion anyone has asked me for any money other than the prices clearly stated on signs in immigration.
Even when things were going badly and I wasn't getting anywhere with my application, not a single officer suggested things could be helped along if I paid up.
I have to compliment the Indonesian immigration service for their successful efforts to clean up their department.
The immigration department is a credit to my beautiful Indonesia.


Why is it hard to find a job in Indonesia.

High unemployment.
The workforce is getting more skilled and better trained as the years go by.
You can't do any job a company can find an Indonesian employee to do.
A foreigner has to get permission to work, and that can't be got unless your skills aren't available from an Indonesian worker.
The company has to pay a lot of money to the work department before they can hire you.
The immigration process can be a problem, making the company jump through hoops to get a visa (KITAS)

The whole lot is designed to protect Indonesians. Whilst it might very well sound unfair to many, I can fully understand the reasons for the system.

If you get through all of that, I can assure you it's worth it.
Indonesia is an amazing country, and a great pleasure to live in.

Mark and Angelina


I am Mark from ireland. I am looking for a full time position as an esl teacher in Jakarta or Bali. I have a BA Degree in English Studies with Learning and Teaching. I have my transcripts too.
I have 3 years teaching experience and my age is 51.
In Thailand they require me to get my degree notarized and Apostille with an embassy stamp. Is it the same for Indonesia?
I am looking for a good position with sponsor kitas visa.
My email ***


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Go for Bali, you'll have a far nicer time than in Jakarta.
As for everything else, just contact as many schools as possible and try your luck.


As native speakers of English are in short supply here, you should have little trouble finding legal work if you have the 'get up and go' to look.
I'd go for the language mills only if you're desperate for short term cash  as they tend to pay a lot less than schools.

jerebuca … pe=noo_job lives now at Jakarta and she also faced the same problems after completing her education. But she starts her career as a professional private tutor. I suggest you that you can also follow her way.
There's always open jobs available in Jakarta, check … pe=noo_job


There's always open jobs available in Jakarta

There are many jobs available, but not a lot in that link would be possible for expats to do legally.

As for the link, I would find it hard to suggest anyone look at a new site such as that, more so when the registrant's details are hidden and the company they used to register the site is known to host scammers of various types.

Basically, as the jobs I've seen on there would be illegal for expats to take, and the lack of anything that would allow me to trust the site, I'd avoid it.


Do you have any suggested job sites to look a for expats?


JobsDB, Jobstreet are 2 sites here. It depends on what type of employment you are looking for here.


Start hunting out companies that need your skill set - I have no clue how easy it is for an expat to get a job in the travel industry here


You could join and try LinkedIn or if already a member change your location/ country and update your profile to the job you are wanting it brings up jobs aligned to your profession don’t go for the paid service it’s a ripoff
It has all the major companies who advertise on the main websites on the web


Thanks for that, I have done that already
