I moved to Maputo with my American Buldog 3 years ago.
Caem across stray dogs on the streets only ones, I chased them away, no problem. Bring a stick or some pepepr spray if you are concerend.
There are no dog parks but you can take your dog to an area in Sommershield. I like to go and walk the dog on Avenida Friedrich Engels. Or the beach, but you have to drive out of town for that. The beach close to town is too dirty and there is a lot of broken glass.
Here are a few helpful links you need, the second is for the best vet in town, you can get pet food there. But you will not be able to get the best that is out there. Not even across the border in Nelspruit South Africa. The third link is an NGO who does out reaches for rabies shots and helps animals in general.
Good luck!!