
Cost of living in Riyadh/ flying there soon

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hello everyone, I am new to the blog, soon i will be flying to dubai for a job interview for a position in riyadh but before making any decision i wanted to know following things and i would highly appreciate if anyone could provide some guideance on it

1. cost of living in riyadh (Family of 3 myself, wife n daughter)
2. General overview on social life like, dine out, malls
3. Woman`s life in riyadh, like can woman drive alone or go out for shopping alone? do they have to wear abaya all the time ? or a decent fully covered dress would do ?, can woman work like in schools n all
4. Education facility for children ?
5. cable channel available, like western channel like star movies n star world n all.
6. specific after work activities one can do after work ? cinema theater ?

last 2 n most important one a salary of about SAR 25k would be enough ?  is riyadh is really such a dead place ????

your response would be highly be appreciated



See also

Living in Riyadh: the expat guideWant to do data flow and hrdProfession changing in iqamaLooking for a Compound in Riyadh for ExpatsFake hit and run case

Hi Zeeshan and welcome to!

A new thread has been created on Riyadh forum for better visibility.;)

Hope that you'll soon be enlightened.



z_shalwani wrote:

hello everyone, I am new to the blog, soon i will be flying to dubai for a job interview for a position in riyadh but before making any decision i wanted to know following things and i would highly appreciate if anyone could provide some guideance on it

1. cost of living in riyadh (Family of 3 myself, wife n daughter)
2. General overview on social life like, dine out, malls
3. Woman`s life in riyadh, like can woman drive alone or go out for shopping alone? do they have to wear abaya all the time ? or a decent fully covered dress would do ?, can woman work like in schools n all
4. Education facility for children ?
5. cable channel available, like western channel like star movies n star world n all.
6. specific after work activities one can do after work ? cinema theater ?

last 2 n most important one a salary of about SAR 25k would be enough ?  is riyadh is really such a dead place ????

your response would be highly be appreciated



Hi Zeeshan,

1. Cost of living in Riyadh is relatively high compared to the Eastern Province. But then again cost of living depends primarily on you and what kind of accomdation you are looking for. Compounds and villas will be expensive (60000SR and up) , where as rented apartments outside compunds are going to be much cheaper. (18000 - 30000 SR/Year)

2. There isnt much public social life. If you live in a compound things are more free. Otherwise, everything happens hush hush and you can have parties at your place or your friends place as long as you keep the voice down or dont have any complaining neighbours. Malls are present all over. So are dine outs.

3. Women cant drive at all. And Abhaya is a must, if you step out of the house. Nothing else will do. If you live in a compound you can walk around freely inside the compound area*. If the wife is dependent on you or in ur sponsorship she cant legally work, but there are people who do. If she needs to work she needs to come on work visa provided by her employer.

4. Education facility is readily availbale.


6. No cineam theatre whatsoever. Saudi doesnt believe in parties/ enjoyment. Download/ buy movies and watch em at home. After work you pretty much go home (ur wifes gonna love this part)

25k is a good salary for survival. Families survive here for 5k. Everything depends on your style of living.

You will get used to all of this so dont worry about a thing. If you have other offers else where do consider em, else jump in. :)

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