Free lance or self employed photographer

Hi every body, i am new to this blog and hoping some advice.
I am planning to move to pattya in an year or so , i have visited last march 1012 and have decided to relocate here.
Just to know what is the posobility to find some extra or free lance work as a  professional photographer and some small designing work, or even assisting job just to make both ends meet, also looking forward to meet new friends.
Also any body interested and can  advise on some small food shop business.
thank you

Welcome to Phoenix1sa!

Hope that other members will soon share some tips with you.;)


Thak you

Unless you have already connections with a Thai company that can provide work with all the needed paperwork for work permits and such, or have the ability to deal with companies abroad on freelance basis (and have the peace of mind with the gray area of employment of such), I wouldn't really bother. Any job that can be done by a Thai, will be done by a Thai.

Also while "making ends meet" can be achieved with as low as 500 EUR, that's not exactly a life you'd want to have. Sure people have different tastes and needs, but I wouldn't bother to with under 1,500 EUR (58,000 THB) - it's just not worth it.

Hi thanks for the insite , how a work permit can be achived , can i pay some one to get it or can i just keep on working on tourist visa as i have not seen any body checking the  papers and i saw a lot of expats from asian countries working and opening shops do all of them have permits.
thank you

I don't know much about the work permit stuff as I'm not a business owner, but I highly doubt that one can just purchase it. Sure the checks might not be that frequent, but at least get ED visa for 25k or something to cover your ass.

Thanks , i think Ed means education, but not a slghtest clue how to do it, you means i have to enroll in some kind of course , or thai language class to stay there , and it may cost 25k bhat ?if any body can guide , i will be greatful
thank you

Hello Phoenix..
If you're still in the Pattaya area, I may have some work for you in the Photography area. Do you take pics of property for rental?  Let me know..
I have gone through the process of WP and Business Visa, Business Registration, I can answer questions if your still interested..

Hi, Paradise Haven , sorry to say but i have left, pattya and back home now , but i will be back soon, meanwhile really thank you for your offer , i will surely happy to shoot property specialy if its 5*, condo or hotel,or any thing, can you just leave your cell phone and or e mail if you like i realy dont have any idea about the rates, but its not an issue for me,
my e mail is ,
thank you

Hi ,Paradise Haven thank you , i willbe back in pattya and ye i will be greatful if you can enlighten me with the , ways to get WP and other needed papers to stay.
thank you