
Traveling to Ecuador in May. Arriving in Guayaquil, then traveling to Salinas, Manta Bahia, Puerto Lopez, and back to Guayaquil. Staying in each location one day/night.

What are the recommended immunizations? I have gone on to the Center for Disease site but I am not sure I would need all the different immunizations that they recommend.

I am thinking that I will need a tetanus booster, Hepatitis A, and ???. We are only going to be in Ecuador for 1 week.

Tetanus booster is the only thing I got.

I go to a huge clinic here in houston and they have a special Dr. that you go to for traveling abroad. Some of the things you take are taken months before you leave. See a Dr. DON'T do your own brain surgery.IMO

There is a clinic I can go to. They charge $71.00 for a nurse's consult and then prescribe or administer the necessary immunizations for additional charges.(could be a bit pricey by the time we are finished). I was hoping to bypass the consultation because it would be for my husband and I. From what I understand, they are recommending Tetanus, Hepatitis A, Malaria, and Typhoid. I am unsure about the Typhoid part whether that is truly necessary for the short amount of time we will be in Ecuador.

Oh wow- there are no required immunizations here in Ecuador. I have been here two years and no problems- and been to Amazon twice, the coast many times, and Galapagos twice. Unless you are going deep into the Amazon, you do not need any shots.