Hi,i'm about to give you the latest info happening around Free town.Most of you might not know about it but it's important that you know,the universities are on a strike because the professors have not being paid by the government which instigate the professors to not teach or neither go to class.Which led to chaos amongst the students cause they couldn't take it after paying about the sum of 5 million leones and not being taught anything at all,this has actually gone out of hands.There are some students there whom their parents are poor and not well to do but they still struggle here and there to make sure that there kids go to good universities and get good degrees to help them in the future but this is not helping them at all.With a lot of money they pay and the universities can't even afford to pay the professors? I support the strike 100%,the government should do something about this fast before it goes on to another level! What are your opinions? Do you think that it is right what they're doing?