
Help me with finding a restaurant!

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Hello fellow expat-blogers,

I was wondering if someone could guide me of where would I find a good Japanese restaurant here.. My friends were looking for something unique and somehow I now have to take them to dinner (LOST A BET ETC, but that's another story)

So if possible, cheapest Japanese restaurant which serves RAMEN would be excellent!

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I am in Khobar
I know one good resturan it is inside Hotel Carlton Al Mohaibad
when u come try


Do you mean Ritz-Carlton? Wouldn't it be like HELLA EXPENSIVE? It would be really awesome if you also provide the name or google-maps/directions to it, im a newbie so I don't know much ways!


tokyo is the best


Tokyo sounds good :$

What's the price range and DOES IT HAVE RAMEN? :D

Salman Omrani

Freshlikesushi wrote:

tokyo is the best

Yep! my favorite, not cheap but the best.!

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