Work from home currently


I appreciate all the help you all have given me on my upcoming move. My stress level has gone down tremendously. Granted I still have a almost 4 year old & an almost 1 year old so it never completely goes away.

I am wondering if I will be able to continue my work once I move over to Jeddah. I currently do transcribing online for an American company. My visa will just be housewife as far as I know. Will this be a problem? I would like to keep working as it is a little extra money for my girl's activities, but won't do so if it is a big hassle.

Thank you.

Glad that EB members have been helpful.

If your intentions are to carry on tanscriibing for the American company online, no one is gonna stop you. Working for someone here in ksa commercially would be a problem as your visa doesn't allow that. Again online won't be a problem. Mum's the word :)