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How long does it take a non-EU citizen to obtain a working visa in the Czech Republic? I am taking a TEFL course in Prague this fall and hope to find employment soon after. Just not sure how long it will take for the visa to process?

See also

Visas for the Czech RepublicLooking for a jobTemporary residence vs Permanent jobTemporary residence x permanent job contractcertified translator

It took me about 2.5 months to receive both my work permit and long-term visa to come through.  Good luck with your TEFL class and visa!


It takes 2.5 months to receive a work permit? If I am on a 90 day tourist visa (one month of which I will be taking the course), it seems I would not receive the work permit in time before I would need to leave the country.


For non-EU citizens, we need a work permit and a visa.  In order to apply for the visa, you have to either provide the work permit OR just show that you have applied for the permit and it is pending.  I saved a lot of time by doing it this way.

I was able to get both my work permiit and long-term visa in under 3 months.  I don't know much about how the TEFL schools work but I would question them to make sure that they have a plan so that you don't end up here past your 90 days without papers.  I posted about this on my blog last year.  Maybe some of this will help. … cracy.html

Good luck!


ahoj guys,
what is the TEFL ?
i know only that czech embassy ask about the work permission and home rent , as well as work contract !?
thanking u in advance for ur answers,


TEFL = Teaching English as a Foreign Language

When I applied for a long-term visa, I had to provide my work permit info, job info, and proof of housing.

Good luck,


Hey guys how r u? can you please help me about study visa  want to study in czech republic . can you please suggest me some good reputed universities or colleges?
Awais from pakistan


Hello Pakistani_lover, welcome to :)
You can find all information on a study visa on the website of Czech Embassy in New Delhi.
If you have more question on Czech Republic do not hesitate to post a new discussion on the forum.
Best regards and good luck for your studies.

Articles to help you in your expat project in Czech Republic

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