Hi everyone! Newbie here, just a bit of info.
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Hey all! Just found this site and think it's a fantastic idea! My husband and I are planning early retirement in Central America and have been drifting toward Costa Rica for a while now. You know that when you first begin searching for relocation info, you will find tons of "touristy" material, which make it sound like the best place on earth, with no problems. We realize, however, that simply isn't true. Every place on the globe has "good" and "bad" and we don't want to base our decision based on what some realtor or travel site tells us, we want the REAL scoop. I'm hoping this is the best place for that.
Since we own a timeshare here in the states, we found that we are able to trade our week in New Orleans for a week in Costa Rica, so we're planning on making our first trip down at the end of this year (2013) to sort of take a look around and see what we can learn and see. We're looking for a life that's simple, peaceful and pure. We are excited about immersing ourselves in a new culture, learning Spanish and soaking up all we can to fit into a new country.
I hope to meet a lot of you here online and perhaps again someday in person in beautiful CR.
Welcome: just read through some of the topics and you will find out quite a bit. I have been to CR two times now and am moving there in May. There are others who can help you much more than me but keep me on your radar and look me up when you get in to CR
Welcome to the site and enjoy. We are making the retirement move in 2014 and are working on building our house. Enjoy your trip!
Thanks! We've got a ton of questions, so this site will be helpful, along with some others that we found. We're keeping notes. Just discovered yesterday that in CR, like many other countries, you can't flush toilet paper. I asked my husband Allan if we should start practicing at home. He said, "no", ROFL! I told him to be thankful that at least they have indoor plumbing. This is going to be a fun, exciting endeavor!
Keep us posted, labup, on your May move. So excited for you!
TerrynViv, way to go on building your home! Let us know how things are going.
Toilet paper flushing varies by area. We will be flushing!!!
Thank you for the kudo!
Cheers .... Terry
My wife and I are about a year ahead of you. We visited, took a tour then went back and went through all the wickets and applied for residency. We intend to move down to the Atenas area this Summer, after we get our home sold in Southern Mississippi.
We love it down there and are really looking forward to the move.
Bill - can I ask which tour you took? Are you on a budget? I am considering a tour and will be on a budget (getting divorced) of about $3000 a month all in. Are you renting, buying or building? Thanks for any info you can share!
We took a tailored retirement tour with Tim Lyttle (a.k.a. Ticogrande), who has a blog site "The Real Costa Rica", with lots of good info. I understand that George Lundquist runs a good retirement type tour also. There are many others, including Christopher Howard's. It would be wise to check out info on each to see what fits your personal needs.
Even though I haven't attended one, I understand that ARCR has a seminar on the last Friday of each month. You ahould check out their website and consider membership, or at least join their blog site.
You will find lits of good info on blog sites, but remember, everybody has their own opinions and you really need to determine what your own personal expectations are.
Good Luck
The ARCR seminar is a two day event held the last Thursday and Friday of each month except December. ARCR Seminar
Cheers .... Terry
Thanks all! I hope you realize how much it means to have SOMEONE to speak to. Of course you do, it's why you're registered on this site....lol! It all seems so overwhelming at times.
@Bill, we were planning on Tim Lyttle tour too as he seems to really know his stuff, although way more than we can process in such a short time! Please keep us posted on how that works out. We're so terribly new to all this it's a bit scary, and any advice you can offer would be DEEPLY appreciated :-)
@Terry, thanks for the HOPE concerning bathroom habits LOL! We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.
--So much to do, so little time.....ahhhhhh! Pura Vida! Laura
Yes I know all those tours - was just curious which one you took and if you found it helpful. I am also already on all those sites. I am a little bit of a research nut! But is is very helpful speaking to people like you and hearing all the real stories, etc.
Plus i have been to Costa Rica - it was many years ago but have always wanted to eventually relocate there. The areas I love are probably not where I will settle (dominical, nosara) but at least I know its only a car or bus ride away!
It appears that you are off to a good start by doing the research and reading the blogs. There are many questions that need to be answered. We still have many, but are much more comforatable about the upcoming move. If you are on facebook, there are several blogs there also that seem to have some lively chatter.
If you use your New Orleans timeshare again soon, you are welcome to come another hour and a half East and visit with us some.
Hasta luego,
Well, I have to say that in my research last night, I discovered that Costa Rica had 51 earthquakes last year. That seems a bit excessive, with an average of almost 1 a week!?? Between that, hurricanes and volcanoes, not to mention the insect world....it's all leaving me a bit ummmm.....*concerned*. It seems that this country has so much to offer, but a what price? Perhaps I'm overreacting. Perhaps it's really NOT all that bad...
I also have a timeshare that i have just paid off.
do you plan to sell your timeshare soon?
Have you looked at selling it?
I also have been doing some research,i have looked in a permanent visa or something like it.
I live in southern california,we also have earthquakes. many of them are not felt. low magnitude. BUGS? central florida has
a bigger insect problem!
Yes I was in CR for 5 weeks and did not feel an earthquake. They say most are very small and aren't even felt. Hurricanes don't hit the Central Vally and rarely hit Costa Rica at all due to the mountainous structure. Someting about the shape that sends most off shore.
Is it a perfect place? By no means! No place is. If you are afraid of risks and changes, maybe you should not move. Come down for awhile, at least two weeks, better a month, before you make any decisions either way.
LOL, you are all the very reason I mentioned it. It sounded so terrible but I couldn't imagine it really was, otherwise it wouldn't be so popular and habitable! I guess my feet got cold for a few minutes, but this hasn't put a damper on my plans. I didn't think there was such a thing as "too much information", but it seems that most people are just writing (or video taping) their opinion, their point of view, so it's best to take everything with a grain of salt......a lime wedge & a shot of tequila, LOL! Thanks again, guys. I can't wait to visit later this year!
Laura - We are from Alberta Canada and we have encountered FAR less insects in Costa Rica than Alberta ...... Granted ours are dead in the winter and theirs are bigger in the summer but FAR less at 3000 feet.
It looks like from our research on crime and corruption, my hubby and I have decided to change our target location. Thank you all very much for the help and information. It was very helpful. Good luck to all of you on your endeavors.
sounds like you are no longer moving to Costa Rica?
where do you plan on living now?
I am glad you know that there is NO UTOPIA but truth is after searching the globe 22 years ago my ex Hubby and I moved in 2 weeks to Costa Rica from Los Angeles YUK..anything would beat that BUT we did a lot of searching Europe USA etc.I have duel Citizenship Born in England with also US citizenship
I have been here 22 years so cant be too bad ..Good Weather Not all hot and muggy...If you message me with questions I will try to give you an honest opinion:)
I had a sucessful B&B for 20 years and now retired so just rent the furnished apartments monthly Less $$$ but less work Less friends but we keep in tuch
All the Best
Glad to hear that!
I plan on returning to Costa Rica in September
And plan on to retire in February 2014.
Do you rent your apartments in Heredia?
I'd like more information as I plan to rent.
Not sure yet in what area.
Deborah, how can I get more info on your apartments? My wife and I plan on spending one month near the end of this year, mid November to mid December in the Central Valley. One of your apartments could be just the thing we are looking for.
hi there
I hope I will have something available for you then One never knows most of my tenants stay longer than I expect PLEASE NOT here as I am not on this site often but email me at
or extrapets ATgmail.com
about 6 weeks before you will be here I will send photos from my email cannot from this site
phone 506 2268 9363
If I have something available I never know so far ahead unles with a deposit of course but if you email me I am not often on this site so please email me about 6 weeks before you plan on being here I am in lovely area with moderate not hot and muggy clinmate and AWESOME Views and SAFE area
adress is
if no answer try
as I answer ALL mail sometimes blocked if accidentally use wrong password
or phone 2268 9363
I dont rent to just anyone you will be happy to know sos please let me know a little about you
Thank you
Deborah I can also send photos from my private emails above
I just retired and have considered Costa Rica as a country where I would like to be a resident.
In March 2013, I traveled around in CR. I would be interested in renting for a while and would
like more information on your apartments.
Hello from Heredia Costa Rica
I just received yiur message sorry I dont get time to come into this site much so maybe you should have both my emails sometimes one goes haywire I think Yahoo is getting crazy but here it is
IF no response try
extrapets@gmail.com ......not much better but they are all lately having problems
I lived in Manhattan for 5 years when I was a singer/actress Where do you live?
Your message has no date do I don't know when you are coming back to CR?? My apartments are very cozy and nicely furnished and in a GREAT area where climate is not cold not hot and humid like our beaches and situated on a 2 acre fruit farm with AWESOME VIEWS (Volcano and city lights) Tranquility and birds and butterflies YET 10 minutes rom lovely town of HEREDIa, 20 minutes from not so lovely San Jose and AIRPORT ALSO//but stops at electric gate and I have WIRELESS high Speed INTERNET Free fruit on the trees and lie in Hammock on Lovely surroundings. SO Best of both worls Tranquility yet minutes from Towns and villages .. from $400 to $500 month Inc Internet, electricity, water, trash pick up, taxes,and INTERNET flly furnished ..I discount to those who like to give me a hand feeding dogs and helping with minor fix it thingies ...grass cut now and then etc..IF Interested .
Better you email me and I can send photos unless you have seen them..and IF I have one available I would be happy to know about you in order to see if you would like them,,"whats not tot like " so say my guests
NOOO someone here is spreading that NO TOILET PAPER in toilets WRONG unless living in the Ghettos
I have lived here 22 years and rent apertments and ALWAYS PUT TOILET PAPER IN THE TOILETS otherwise... HOW GROSS I hope you look me up when you are here and after 22 years I THINK I have gained a lot of REALISTIC knowledge So please email me and WELCOME I may have dropped you a note re toilet paper because spreading THAT Nonsense to people who want to live here is IRRISPONSIBLE and NOT SO!!!!
I am not often on the site but even if you do not need or I do not have available an apartment I would be happy to giva any helpful information which I have accumulated in those 22 years so call me at 506n2268 9363 or email me at TWO addreses
(I live 10 minutes in mountains 10 minutes from LOVELY town of HEREDIA 20 minutes from NOT so Lovely San Jose )Hey you may find those old toilets in Grungy San Jose I have tranquility and SAFE enclosed 2 acre fruit farm with a couple of furnished rentals ONLY to nice folk:) NO DRUGGIES..so would love to have you id available. I can send Photos from my emails addresses .I love this site but am not on it much rather busy so better email me REMEMBER Costa Rica is very diversified both in CLIMATE and in SAFE places to live and some initial "Information" is ONLY from the authors Point of view AND the location in which they chose to live..I WISH we could STOP that TOILET PAPER not allowed in Toilets SO RIDICULOUS .. It must put off lots of nice people (It would me ) Please keep in touch and i would like to help in any way possible
Best of Luck
OH what a shame It is No where NERE the crime in USA Other Central Americaan Countries are a bit dodgy like Guatamala, Salvador. and parts of Panama Yes and certain pars of Costa Rica but all in all with no army needed ..we live a very peaceful life..Hope it was not the Toilet paper FALSE issue hehe
but I wish you well wherever you settle
Deborah I wouold LOVE to know where you decided to move instead if not being too nosy
Good Advice Bill and welcome Where are you building? I built my farmhouse plus 2 rustic houses and 2 apartments little by little in lovely are of Concepcion de San Rafael de Heredia Tanquil safe and CLOSE to everything... and we even have HIGH SPEED INTERNET a BIG plus ..and 2 stores on out road What more could we need (Just me I need a smaller place since I retired ) but ONLY in this area ..
I retired form my 22 years of B&B but may sell BECAUSE it is way too big a property for me 3 houses and 3 apartments plus 2 lots to build.
I am NOT advertising , just word of mouth, so if you have friends moving down and want a lovely fruit laden farmette Tranquil yet CLOSE IN ...(Airport 20 minutes away and INCOME either from Monthly rentals to visitors, both B*B or monthly, let me know I will gladly pay a commission as I was a realtor 12 years in USA and burned out when you get a chance drop by for free coffee and cookies and pick my brain..
SOME people like to be where lots of Gringos speak English and then there are others,like myself prefer to immerse into the culture and learn Spanish
One mans meat is another mans poison. I had the pleasure of making FRIENDS with MANY Canadian gusts from my B&B..
I learned Spanish in 3 months because 22 years ago NO Gringos lived here .We are now getting well known in HEREDIA as being THE place to retire or study,,, . Oh NO ! .but I hope it doesn't turn into another "Gringo Gulch click where no one learns either the culture nor the language.
When my B&B guests wanted to move here and first see the country's Diversity I put them on an 11 hour tour where they saw practically ALL of Costa Rica and LOVED it..so if interested for friends use my email address and I will give you the details ...GREAT tour operators also I used them for YEARS very special ..Keep those toilets flushing
[Moderated: No free advert on the forum please.]
I hope you dont base your decsion on what you have learned here! WE live in Canada and are currently planning our early reitrement in the Atenas region. WE have been doing research online and visited our Costa Rican embassy here in Ottawa to gather information. There is no where on earth where it is perfect...weather, bugs, crime etc...
WE are going down in March for a two week "recce" WE have watched all the videos of the "real costa rica" . com as well as talked with a number of people on this site as well as the ACRA.
We plan to move down there within 2 years and have our vehicle and some belongings shipped with us.
Just recently a man from British Columbia was killed during a home invasion. This man lived in a gated community and lived very lavishly...3 upscale cars, flaunting his wealth. It happens everywhere. It does not deter us in the slightest. WE have no intention of trying to upscale our host nation. WE want to learn from them on their wonderful way of life. Does it mean we will not get in any trouble??? No way. You just have to be diligent and careful, just like anywhere else.
We are constanly getting information, we are aware that things dont always go smoothly, but they dont here at home either...
Better to be forwarned and prepared for the unexpected than to be surprised!
Hi Terry,
My husband and I moved here in August from NYC - 4 months at he beach and that was enough. We moved up to the Central Valley and love it! We live in Santo Domingo de Heredia. I jump on the bus and I'm in downtown San Jose in 20-30 minutes. We rent, brought our dogs have gained one more dog and two cats. Love live here. Our buget is under $2000 for the two of us. We are in a beautiful home with 1 1/2 acres of beautiful gardens. We've learned a lot since we came. So feel free to ask questions and give us a call.
Very funny to me that the OP decided against CR based on some internet research without having a go at visiting for a month or so! LOL.
To me this just means one thing:
They would have hated it in Costa Rica and it's a good thing they didn't go there. Crime and corruption?
Good luck finding some place without that! LOL.
What I was going to tell the OP was that "volcanoes, earthquakes and insects oh my!" isn't really a big deal. Florida and many other places have much worse insect problems than CR does!
Certainly Florida and Louisiana and other states have more of a hurricane problem! In fact Costa Rica is practically hurricane free - I don't know where she got that.
And while Costa Rica has earthquakes most are small just like in California, and if you live up in the mountains where our land is, earthquakes are very unlikely to hurt you - living right in the city or working in a brick building or something, yea, that might be a little risky but ...
And volcanoes? Are you kidding me? What? Are you planning to build on the side of one?? LOL.
Costa Rica does have some crime problems, yes, but they can be minimized. Like I said, I don't think this particular poster would have been happy in CR so she made the right decision. I just can't imagine where she WILL be happy, given the criteria and concerns...
HI Laura!
My husband and I along with our 2 dogs just moved from Dallas TX to CR about a year ago. We love it here. We are in the Arenal area and have no plans on going back to the states... making this our home. We are renting the home we are in and no problem at all with the "toilet" issue here! Would love to chat with you and catch up on anything happening in Dallas!! LOL...
If you have FB look me up and message me, we can exchange contact info! I do not see on this forum how to message off line ! Debra Brouwer and I think my hometown is listed as either Dallas or Richardson. We did all kinds of research and have collect tons of info that I would be happy to share.
You have any idea of the area you guys are thinking about moving to?
debrabrouwer wrote:HI Laura!
My husband and I along with our 2 dogs just moved from Dallas TX to CR about a year ago. We love it here. We are in the Arenal area and have no plans on going back to the states... making this our home. We are renting the home we are in and no problem at all with the "toilet" issue here! Would love to chat with you and catch up on anything happening in Dallas!! LOL...
If you have FB look me up and message me, we can exchange contact info! I do not see on this forum how to message off line ! Debra Brouwer and I think my hometown is listed as either Dallas or Richardson. We did all kinds of research and have collect tons of info that I would be happy to share.
You have any idea of the area you guys are thinking about moving to?
If you see post #18 you will see that Laura and her husband decided against moving to Costa Rica due to "too much crime".
To message someone offline simply click on their name or picture next to their name and when the screen changes just click on "Send a message" and it will show up in their inbox.
Let me know how you like Costa Rica. My husband and I live in Florida and are looking to move after the first of the year. I also find all that info but still not sure.
Have a great trip and look forwars to your post when you come back!
After living in CR 22 years I HIGHLY recommend that you NEITHER bring your CAR OR your large belongings If you heard the horror stories I have over the years I think you will be SORRY you did
THEY TAX EVEN OLDER CARS ALMOST DOUBLE THEIR VALUE so they want you to buy here a BTTER CHICE an most times it is a DISASTER passing through many bribing borders (some not even safe) and if you SHIP as above sentence you also run the risk of not just the tax ing of DOUBLE the value BUT also missing parts tires etc,,SAME wit containers of personal items which often end up costing FAR more than quoted SO it is now cheaper to buy here HEY you rae srating a new life,,dont cling to old 'THINGS"
so ,y advice is to buy here or a quick trip to Panama where they are tax free and often ship for FAR less,,and my advise would be as we did HAVE a Giant Garage sale THERE pocket the money and nut here. a BIG saving and less hassles.. TRIPS to PBAMA are often and you can go in groups on arranged buses even go with locals more on that...
Things you don't sell at home cheap, give to "good will" or Salvation Army. and get the tax deduction if they have it where you live or do as we did although not wealthy we played it forward and Distributed great items to poor families BEFORE we Clung to "THINGS that trap us ,,and we paid less here some like new and some new furniture as SOON as you learn NOT to shop in the Gringo Gulches with their Gringo prices,,,or "local helpers " gaining BIG Commissions)
I forget which site but .there was a PERFECT post from a couple moving BACK to uSA BECAUSE they chose REMOTE area of ARENAL..where touted by non licensed "REALTORS" They have NO license laws here , here so anyone can sell you a Bill of goods and collect a healthy Commission..I always advise RENTIN in various areas before buying as many now friends ended up in either bad areas OR worse Gringo Gulches where they do not learn the language because they are huddled together with all the Gringos..Prime for crime. and INFLATED prices for EVERyTHING including Food in Supermarkets as thieves KNOW Gringos have LOTS of expensive PC;s and other toys ,, as tTHE Place to be ,,WRONG Full of Belony, Tourist traps and HIGH Gringo Prices as are ant Gringo gulch such as ARENAL,ESCAZU, SANTA ANA, GRECIA,ATENAS (touted as BEST climate ha WRONG ,,Central Valley's Concepcion de SAN RAFAEL has BEST MODERATE CLIMATE (NOT hot and muggy, nor Humid but warm fresh air and VERY few or no mosquitos. as in Arenal and Beach areas and Jungles
Now and then one is packed in a suitcase and brought here but die quickly because of lack of humidity. a rare escapee from jungle areas and Arenal. humid type climates.
.and beaches also are FAR from Gringo prices, AND we have fresh vegetables (also those areas are .MILES from GOOD hospitals with well trained doctors with modern equipment, So Consider carefully WHERE you set up roots .If I can be of help i was an UNPAID NON Commissioned advisor on several travel sites ,,Now retired ,,so If you like my advice please take it con Gusto..If not let me know how you make out !
I recently learned that my gut feeling about living in this lovely area with AWESOME VIEWS of volcanoes and city lights AND CLOSE to MODERN Hospitals was RIGHT on, after a coupe of near misses with my aging heart,,and GREAT surgeons NOT living in the boonies and don,t forget our LOWER prices and great quality DESPITE what the tour guides and MANY "Free Seminar meetings" who are there for ONE reason to SNAG a newcomer for $$$$ for " Legal Advice" which you can get MUCh cheaper from us older Gringos LOL FREE even
. Most of those NEWCOMERS agencies and meetings LIE about residency ,,take a HUGE deposit and you can wait YEARS for NOTHING but keep paying THEIR lawyers so BEWARE!
let me know if more help is needed and if nor THIS maybe good advice for others moving here
WHEW I HOPE this helps SOMEONE ..LOL good Luck Debbie (Pebbalita) in the Central Valley which has it ALL Including rain forests Tours etc don'r go listening to those English speaking "Guides" who may convince you that you need to go MILES away to see rain forests,Zip Lines etc.. etc )
(Commissions) when here they are RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES IN THE CENTRAL VALLEY just at a lesser price,,,
Happy rails
Pebbalita if an aging pensioner moves here ,,
Good Afternoon,
You sound very experienced in what areas to live in. My husband and I are thinking of moving to Costa Rica. Being that we are both retired and living on Social Security, is really possible to live on an income of $1000.00 a month like I read? Is it possible to buy a small home, 2/1.5, for $85,000 in a gated community? Our income is under $2000 a month and need to keep money in reserves. Is this really possible?
Look forward to hearing from you
You are less than 2 hours away from COSTA RiCA by plane and SPIRIT Airlines
Thank you ..yes I have gained a lot of knowledge in 21 years here to where to buy. etc
I live in a LoVELY are called SAN RAFAEL de HEREDIA Thee are MANT towns and villages with the same n SO you have to say ALL the words to make sure u have the correct one ..same TUME flew by And YOU are so close Spirit Airlines have special deals $99 each way so cheap for you to coma check it out
I am in Country tranquility YET Close to everything so no car needed.
I am also just 20 minutes from Juan Santa Maria (SJO) Airport
It is a lovely life here and if you are not in Gringoland areas and it is EASY to survive on$1000 monthly I live on a smaller pension and do well also eith my dogs eating well
As for buying a house for That price /would you pay cash for that or would that come from your SS ?
reason I ask is IF I were you I would UP the price to about $100,000 to $150,000 BECAUSE of BETTER areas and Safety from petty theft..
THEY are finishing a high rise condo build and in my area starting price there $100,00
My canadian friends have family ill and are selling 2 houses on same lot also with AWESOME Views an Climate for $125,000 which for this location is CHEAP and you could rent the 2nd house VERY pretty so good price,,SOMETIMES there is a stress sale and you can get a SMALL Tico simple house or pre fabricated for less if u buy the lot THAY would put you in :INVESTOR Status with immigration so MUCH easier to get full RESIDENT status ... I have TWO large lots for sale but they may be above your budget ..At the front of my farm 1 has 300 sq meters selling approx. $40,000 and $80.000. MANY Rich Ticos are interested as they know THIS location is very desirable..YOU couls find CHEAPER lots but not in this location ...
I also have apartments an 2 rustic chalets for rent NOT part of my helping you..so just thought I would mention because it is convenient to have a SAFE place to live wile you look for properties
When IF you were to move here would you be coming ?
Anyhow I am here idf you want to ask more questions as like to help people find the REAL Costa Rica so not be disappointed so ask awa..
Good luck I cant remember if there were other questions IF so send me other email..I will answer it BE sure to let me know if the $1000 is COMPLETE to live on because I can tell you if I thought it possible to live here and which location
OF course YOUR price mentioned YES but in So so Good areas and lots of Yucky druggie people if you buy TOO Cheap//I am not looking for commissions ..I just help for free on some travel sites OR DID as I am now TIRED and a Pensioner deserving REST
Good Luck to you Great place to live IF you know what you are doing ..WISH my Hubby and I had someone like ME to help advise us LOL so I play it forward because I was lucky enough to meet many Important people who gave ME the lowdown on life here
I dont often get time to come into this site so as mentioned in my post BETTER to contact me at my PRIVATE email addy..I am not sure IF I ca post it here I think I put it on the original Post but I put an AT instead of the email icon so their robot will not delete it
I will try I is
Articles to help you in your expat project in Costa Rica
- Work in Costa Rica
A low unemployment rate and a strong economy set Costa Rica apart from its neighbours. If you have fallen in love ...
- The health care system in Costa Rica
Costa Rica has received international praise for its modern healthcare system, and both citizens and legal ...
- Setting up a business in Costa Rica
The government's positive attitude towards foreign investment, as well as the country's developed ...
- Motorcycle Angel
Motorcycle Angel
- Buying a property in Costa Rica
Costa Rica's political and economic stability, as well as its natural beauty and pleasant climate, make it an ...
- Retiring in Costa Rica
Many retirees are attracted by Costa Rica's stable democracy, excellent healthcare, enjoyable climate, natural ...
- How To Become A Resident In Costa Rica
Residency In Costa Rica - Types of Residency
- Seeing Signs of Hope
The soothsayer in the street holds up a sign: The End Times are Here - it’s Armageddon! Yet the sun rises ...