

adil zafar 007

dear sir i have a serious relationship with a brazilian girl and we want to do marry for this purpose i want a marriage visa i m a pakistani citizen please tell me what can i do for the marriage visa which are the documents required to be complicated for the visa ..


See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilDigital Nomad Visa RenewalRush Appointment for Federal Polícia?

Hello Adil,

There is no such thing as a Marriage Visa for Brazil. What you need to do is apply for a Tourist Visa (VITUR) at the Consulado-Geral do Brasil in Islamabad. Contact them in order to obtain information regarding all the rules and necessary documents for Pakistani citizens.

You should get all of the necessary documents for a Civil Marriage in Brazil and the later application for Permanent Visa based on Brazilian spouse ready and have them legalized by the Brazilian Consulate before you leave Pakistan.

The marriage process for foreigners is a multi-step process. You first must submit all the necessary documents to the Cartório de Pessoas Naturais where you intend to get married and request permission to marry. The marriage banns are then published in the Diário Oficial de União for 30 days and then permission to marry is granted. The final step is the marriage cerimony itself. This whole process can sometimes take up to three months (sometimes more if you are missing any documents), so it is advisable to make sure everything is in order before you arrive and that you apply immediately so not to run the risk of your visa stay expiring. Everything is very bureaucratic, complicated and time consuming so you will need to be extremely patient.

Once you have married and have the Marriage Certificate then you need to go to the Regional Headquarters of the Federal Police where you live in Brazil and apply for your Permanent Visa.

There are a number of different postings about marriage in Brazil and how to apply for your Permanent Visa so you can find more information about the documents you will require by reading them.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


Dear sir i have a serious relationship with a Brazilian girl and we want to do marry for this purpose i want you advice i am a Pakistani citizen and doing job at Sharjah, UAE. How can i apply for a visa for brazil. which are the documents required to be complicated for the visa ..


@asimadnan - you should maybe read the previous post above by James pls :)

nadeem anwar butt

how can i get Brazil visa on marriage base.


Marriage in itself does not guarantee permanency in Brasil. Actually one must be married for 5 years under existing law. Until that time they can be refused a visa or expelled from the country.

Read post #2 for the information you need.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


How long does Interpol take to clarify a person? A case was sent to INTERPOL before three months yet it was not processed.

Y.K. Sikri

I wish you married now as I see forum too late now. Primary documents for tourists visa are passport and proof of finance.