Where to buy a monkey

Hello to everyone : ),
My name is Kasia and I am polish /but my husband is an egyptian/,
I am a huge, mega, big, giant! animals lover and -
I dream to buy a monkey, small, little one,
the best be - a The tufted capuchin (Sapajus apella).
I know here it's maybe weird or crazy to grown a monkey, but not in Europe, there we dream to buy them... .

May be this link will help you

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index … 917AADPubV

If you are a crazy animal lover - you would absolutely NOT be wanting to have a monkey as a pet - to live an unnaturel life and be got rid of when you get fed of him.
the capture and keeping of capuchins - the international laws are the same everywhere surely!!
they grow - they are animals and they can become agressive - try rescuing a cat instead.

biffy wrote:

If you are a crazy animal lover - you would absolutely NOT be wanting to have a monkey as a pet - to live an unnaturel life and be got rid of when you get fed of him.
the capture and keeping of capuchins - the international laws are the same everywhere surely!!
they grow - they are animals and they can become agressive - try rescuing a cat instead.

of course as biffy said, it's much better to rescue a cat.

Meanwhile, you can find mokeys in a pet shop infront the International Garden in Nasr City, Cairo...... they sell the one around 5,000 EGP.

to keep a monkey in the house - in nappies (because I am sure you won't want them pooing everywhere) - is cruel and not natural.
Feeding it on junk food and food a monkey isn't supposed to eat is also cruel.

There are reasons why it isn't allowed to keep them in Europe - and those reasons are still valid - even more so here where the culture is what it is towards animals.
also most of the vett here leave alot to be desired.

What will you do with it if / maybe you move?  Have children? get fed up of it?

This is not the dream of any animal lover I've ever known!

Biffy, I totally agree with you! A monkey is NOT a pet, and Kasia if you are an animal lover you know that and you have to stop asking about it!

There are more than enough cats and dogs that need rescuing .. consider one of these.  Monkeys aren't house pets.