Moving to Dakar with my 3 children


I've just registered. I come from Spain but have lived in London for 16 years. I will be moving to Dakar with my 3 children in July.
I have the feeling they will have a better life there than in the UK. Am I right or wrong? could anybody advice?
Thank you

Hello freniche.

Welcome to! :)

For more interaction, a new thread has been created from your message on the Dakar forum.

Thank you,


I'm Mr Toure living dakar the captial city of senegal.
I been to new york ,waschington and georgie.
It will be a pleasure to meeting with you.

Mr Toure

i do live in liverpool and manchester where i gain my It and accounting qualification

Hi freniche,

Well, generally speaking, Senegal is a beautiful and friendly country to live in for one and a thousand reasons. But in your case, relocating to any country all at once with three kids is no easy task for anyone. So maybe you think it twice before your move, especially if your kids (by the way how old are they?)have been schooling in different language, program and cultural context.... You need to be more specific about the reasons behind your relocation project and what your immediate needs will be.....

Whatever your decision, wish you good luck and I'm ready to help if need be...


Thank you all for your reply....
My husband has a job in Dakar,so, at the moment, I'll be concentrating on my childrens education,.
They are 11, 7 AND 4. They speak arabic, spanish and english...hope the 2 eldest will pick up french quickly.....

I'm more concerned about the quality of life to be honest, here in London there isn't any......

kind regards

Hi there,
It all depends on that you call a better life!!!What do you call a better?

For cost of living try

Hello and GREETINGS from Senegal!

I am an American woman (divorced since 1997), mother of three children myself and I moved here in 1999 for the same reasons, quality of life.

Don't let the other answers make you nervous. Your children will thrive here if you don't overprotect them.  I held all three of my kids back for one year, hired tutors for math, French and the other classes they would have in school and turned them loose in Senegalese rather than Anglophone or bilingual schools. 

It was the best decision I ever made.

If you would like to discuss it more, feel free to email me at 


Sineta George

freniche wrote:


I've just registered. I come from Spain but have lived in London for 16 years. I will be moving to Dakar with my 3 children in July.
I have the feeling they will have a better life there than in the UK. Am I right or wrong? could anybody advice?
Thank you


for they will have a better life and social one aswell,etc

I' Mr Toure It's a pleasure, that I can write to you and I hope, that we will have the general interests which will help us to get acquainted better and to do our conversation of even more pleasant.


Mr Toure

Thank you for your answer!!!
Have your e-mail, will let you know.....
kind regards

hello am here by seaching for job as a babysitting;nanny or household keepper please if you are interesting am around. well senegal is a perfect country yes you will like it .