
Anybody work for ENS

Last activity 13 August 2014 by camper61

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I've had a few interviews with ENS and think I may be coming to Abu Dhabi. Anybody on here working at ENS?

Also, any expat ball hockey leagues or pick up games?


Hmmm, nobody out there works for ENS (Emirates National School)? How about ADEC schools? That's another position I might be up for. Anybody out there worked for both and can compare?


Hi I am starting a 2 year contract with ens in August as a kindergarten teacher. Don't know that much about them though


Also in same boat, what's ens like for hours? Anyone know somebody there?


Well, I was offered a contract yesterday for ADEC and then today a contract for ENS. I've decided to go with the ADEC position because although the salary is slightly lower, the ADEC position is paying anual airfare and heathcare benefits for my wife as well as me. ENS was paying for me, but we would have had to pay ourselves for my wife's ticket.


I'm surprised to hear the Adec salary was lower than ens? How many years experience do you have? Usually ens is lower than Adec I thought? Also didn't realise they don't pay airfares for spouses but I'm single so it makes no difference for me!


I've worked 8 years in Korea, but they don't count any of the pre certification experience, so I'm at the bottom of the scale for ADEC. ADEC is giving me 12,300 per month which works out to 3,475 Canadian, while ENS offered 13,750 per month, which works out to 3,886 Canadian.

It's $411 less a month, but for us I think it's a fair trade off to know that everything pertaining to my wife is covered and we don't have to take money out of pocket to get her over there. I've been a student the last year without an income, and we just can't really afford that right now. In the long run with the price of plane tickets, it probably is still good for us. The peace of mind is important too. We don't have children, but if we did, ADEC would pay flights and medical for up to 3 dependents as well. That makes me feel good as well, just in case we have any children in the future.

Any way, good luck with ENS, and let me know how it goes for you.


Oh I'm not decided yet either, is your Korea experience primary or tefl?


In Korea I did 2 years in hogans, 3 in a high school (thats's the one that is letting me qualify I think since it's K-12 public) and then about 3 1/2  years working at universities, though really all of it was EFL students


Ah I see! It's confusing because I thought the post qualification experience had to be 3 yrs in Adec and ens? Are you primary or secondary? Thanks for the info! Ivebto decide this week and it's all very confusing!


I did intermediate/senior for my B.Ed, and at the interview they did say I might not qualify, but that would check with the admin in Abu Dhabi and get back to me. I had to send them proof of employment for my high school experience in Korea, and I guess they decided that I would qualify. They said my previous experience would let them hire me but wouldn't count towards the salary scale. Also I know that in Korea often Uni jobs that say you need an MA will hire people without one depending on how many people they have interested in the position. Perhaps it's a similar thing here.


Yeah I know what you mean! Does the risk with the location worry you at all? Suppose if you're going with your wife it's different than going by yourself, may not bother you as much?


Well from what I've heard the UAE is reasonably liberal compared to other ME countries. I figure if I keep my mouth shut regarding any religious issues should be ok, and yes since I'm married I won't have to worry about getting into trouble for fraternizing with Emirati women., so I'm not really afraid.


Oh no I didn't mean anything like that, I mean social life, lifestyle wise if you were in al gharbia


Ah. Well, we hope we get Abu Dhabi City, but figure we will manage and adjust wherever we go. I've lived in both cities and small towns so figure I'll be ok.


I am starting with ens in August kindergarten also, very exciting!  I wanted my two boys at my same school so aced public was not a solid option for us.   The school looks great, much bigger than I am use to but seems very positive and modern.


Hi there, was just wondering if you could share the ADEC salary and benefits policy. I have 8 years teaching experience and would like to know what the average pay is for ADEC employees.



Have to be at ENS on the 17th of August for new teacher orientation. Anyone can relate their experiences?


I just got here. I start at ENS also on the 17th of August.


I will be starting next week. Got my induction on 17th. I'm teaching English.  cool.png


I guess we will all be riding to MBZ together!

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