
Uttility bill payment


This may sounf like a stupid question but can my electric . gas and water bills in brazil be paid online or do i need to stand in line every month ?

See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideCPF for foreignersDivorce/Permanent ResidencyBrit moving to Brazil with minimal PortugueseHigher education certificate accredited by MEC for Naturalization.

If you are fortunate enough to have been able to open a Brazilian checking account, yes you can pay all bills online using the bar code number shown on the bills, you can also add credits to your cellular phone, transfer funds to third party accounts and many other neat features too.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


Great thanks for the info , it seems lots of Brazilians like to do this the hard way for some reason.


Hi Rick,

I think that the vast majority of the Brazilians you see who are paying accounts in person rather than on the internet are doing so for a number of reasons you might not be aware of:

a) they may no have or qualify for a checking account, here if you have credit problems, voter registration problems, you can't open checking accounts.
b) may be older people who don't like or trust internet.
c) don't have regular internet access

Probably many of them are forced to do things the hard way. This is Brazil and why so many people are now protesting.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team