We, too, are moving to Lulumbashi. Given that your post is so new, but according to it, you've been there for 8 months, I hope you were able to find something.
We are from US, also in our 40s, but have extensive overseas travel/experience. Michael is fluent French speaker. I am linguistically capable at Spanish, French, and ho-hum in Korean.
We'd love to meet other expats and gain insight as to how they overcame unforeseen obstacles. For instance, when we moved to Zambia I was taken aback by the lack of rainfall, limited clothing stores, locating a hairdresser for Caucasians (only found the one), and general culture shock. After a little while, we acclimated, and missed it when we returned to US. So this time I've already made a "must-bring" list. However, we don't know what the availability of personal hygiene products, bathroom accessories, etc. we will encounter. Music? TV? Cell phone service provider and rates? Generators?
Don't hesitate to contact us. We'd love to chat.
Michael and Andrea