Happy to know you

I happy to know you..............
and I'll be happy to know me........
if you came to Algeria you will be happy cause the " multiculture " that we have is amazing from east to west ... and from north to the south ..... specially I'm from the south ... the beauty of the desert "SAHARA" and the people !!! oh believe me you will love it........... I don't wanna write to much cause I wanna leave the surprise ........ hope you will be there and see it all
and this is my Email " bsanab@yahoo.com " and i hope i'll get msg from you all

Hello Sanaa Liu.

Welcome to Expat.com! :)

Thank you for these nice words on your country.
A small introduction about yourself would be great thou!

Thank you,

well my name is Sanaa and I'm from Algeria I'm 19 years old ... I'm a 1st year student in the electric and electronic institute .... I'll be happy if we chat more in facebook ... " facebook.com/sanaa.bel.50 "

Very good morning !!!

Can we chat sometime?  I would like to know the way of visiting Algeria for business, work etc.

Can you please assist on getting information about the subject?

shahidfk  ------------skype


Wish you a wonderful day.


i am yasser, i am from algeria too, and i am leaving in hassi messaoud, and working in cape town. nice to meet you.


HI Yasser a small introduction about yourself.... please

hi sanaa how is it going in gardaia

hiii it's going goood ! what about uu ?

fine thank you ,

salut chui algerienne et je vis a Dubai... chui du nord d`Algerie mais malheureusement g jamais ete au sud..mais l`Algerie chabbaaa bezzaf..

Hello yamama.

As this is an english speakin forum, could you please post your message in english, in order for the other members to understand what you're saying.


Expat.com Team.

i`m from Algeria and i live in Dubai...i`m from north Algeria and i didnt visit the south before but i wish to do nchallah.... my country is so so nice ... well this is what i said in french..

Hi yamama,

Thank you for the translation :)

Expat-blog Team

welcome ....:):)

hope ur fine? and i think that what u ve written in ur msg is true?
i d like well to do ur knowldge first , let start then. i still waitting for ur msg, till this time take care of ur self. have a nice time.