Hi Grumpy,
thanks for the very valuable info! You've made another grumpy old bloke very happy. Instead of buying property to rent out in Gib after we sell our UK house, your logic seems irrefutable, we buy 5 year Government Debentures paying 5% interest annually, tax free. Property might have a marginally higher return but as you say there are unforeseen costs - untenented periods, upkeep, maintenance, wear & tear, & of course the estate agents' letting fees. Sounds good! Incidently would you say a flat, lettable at £1k/mth would cost as much as £240k? Some of the flats whose details I saw, admittedly on DTRd, were well below that to buy, eg Wellington Crt & Northview Terr, both on the main Rd etc, but for others which were to be let, the asking price was usually £1k/mth.