Grass roots core survival questions on Sri Lanka w/ love from Ecuador
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Hola, Aloha, Namaste, I have lived in Sri Lanka and S India for 4 years... decades ago in my twenties, then decades in the precious Hawaiian Islands, and now live In southern Andes Ecuador. I remember Sri Lanka with 100% great memories: the food OMG yum yum yum, the stunning pristine environment, I lived in Bandarawela, the kind open people, the Buddhist culture and awareness of compassion and loving kindness. I am considering a visit again to check it out, for a second residence( I easily became a premanent resident of Ecuador) I have relevent questions, and they are outside the norm....if anyone can be so informed and reply I am deeply gratefull, (1) What is the situation with GMO and Monsanto in Sri Lanka, have they infiltrated the crops? Which ones, is Sri Lanlka importing GMO from India? Are their weed killers like Round up in prevelent usage? (2.)Can one get organic superfoods, as well as organic grains , fruits and veges (ultimately of course growing ones own is best). Since Ecuador has not let in Monsanto (yet ) and has no chem trails that is my 3rd question (3) are ther chem trails in the sky? (5) what is the situation with logging and deforestation in Si Lanka these days? Are there significant forest preservation and eco protection movements and Constitutional protections for Nature, (4) How is the water, do they flourodate? (4) The main water sheds I imagine are in Newara Eliya and hill stations, but are the rivers and public water sources pristine or polluted? (5) where can I look to get a flavor of the expat community these days, is it like Bali or Maui with tons of yoga, organics, community outreach and environmental NGOs, dj parties, consciousness events, sustainable organic expat communities? (6) LAST QUESTION BUT MOST IMPORTANT!!! WHEN IS DURIAN SEASON???? HA HA HA..... I Really do not know how to find out short of going there, and Ecuador to Sri Lanka is a seroius journey. If and when you have time to reply my address is (Chaska Is Qichwa for Starr, my legal name) The warm Equatorial Andes also rock! In case anyone wants to know, or ask any questions. They just do not have great beaches here, like you have in Sri Lanka. I think the 2 countries of Ecuador and Sri Lanka hold the best promise on the planet for quality of life, in warm year round growing seasons, with rich black volcanic soil and pristine water (at least this is the Sri Lanka I remember from the old days).
not sure have not been there for decades. Then I liked Bandarawela, because it wasn't too hot like the coast. Newara Eliya was gorgeous
Hi Chaska! You are right about SL and Ecuador being a great choice for the quality of life. I have visited both and loved it. There are so different but so amazing!
In SL prices are much higher than Ecuador though. Food is about the same price. And you do find lots of organic foods.
As for the chemtrails, during my one month stay in SL, I have not seen any.
can you say more? where you have stayed, where organic food is available? Supermarkets, farmers market? Friends gardens? What the community is like, are there organic stores and whole food restaurants? Great you have not seen chem trails. keep looking and let me know. Ecuador is amazing so much organics where I live, Supermarkets have organic sections now, small but growing, there are entire Organic farmers markets in this small Valley, and EVERYONE has gardens and there is a huge movement towards organics in this valley, because the locals are learning that expats prefer and buy organic. WE have organic juice cafes, organic gluten free crepe shops, and even an organic Italian restaurant with 3 generations of Florentine chefs. We are what we eat so great quality food rocks!
Hi Chaska, Let me answer your questions!
At the moment am lil busy at work.