
How to open a travel agency

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please, i appreciate if anyone know how to open a travel agency in Vietnam, cost's and so on.

Thank you

See also

Finding a job in HanoiWorking in HanoiHanoi's labor marketThe work culture in HanoiWorking in Vietnam

First step, very important.


Foreign investors and investment business specializing in the travel agency in Vietnam will have to meet the conditions required by the market-opening commitments of Vietnam under WTO agreement and in accordance with the laws of Vietnam legislation.
One in the condition the follow:

foreign service suppliers are permitted to provide services in the form of joint ventures with Vietnamese partners with no limitation on foreign capital contribution. 
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Under the WTO's commitment of Vietnam, foreign service suppliers are permitted to provide services of travel agency in the form of joint ventures with Vietnamese partners with no limitation on foreign capital contribution. In addition, this joint venture company is also limited in its business such as only do inbound services and domestic travel for inbound tourists as an integral part of inbound services.

[moderated: no free ads please]


Dear Ngaphampb,
I am goin to send you a private e-mail now, Thank you


Hi .
I and my boyfriend . He is from Iran . Now he is in Iran now , but he will come to Hanoi around 2 months later . We are also want to do same this business with you . We have plan to bring people from iran go to Viet nam . If u still want to do this job , contact me .
Thanks .


If you intend to open travel business in vietnam, please contact me. I can give you some advices because I am running a travel company in vietnam


jennyha wrote:

Hi .
I and my boyfriend . He is from Iran . Now he is in Iran now , but he will come to Hanoi around 2 months later . We are also want to do same this business with you . We have plan to bring people from iran go to Viet nam . If u still want to do this job , contact me .
Thanks .

I am looking for a new market like Iran. Could you please recommend your friend to me?


I am a tour guide already here in Iran, i have been there to vietnam too, i am still looking for the serious business partner to start a travel agency in VN..

let me know if anyone is interested


hmd63 wrote:

I am a tour guide already here in Iran, i have been there to vietnam too, i am still looking for the serious business partner to start a travel agency in VN..

let me know if anyone is interested

Contact me. I am running a travel business in Vietnam


Be very, very careful with who you do business with here.


colinoscapee wrote:

Be very, very careful with who you do business with here.

Thank u for your warning. But we are not blind or stunted. Resit your English and try to learn International business before speaking at random


I wasnt talking to you, I was talking to the OP. I have owned and operated two businesses here, so I do have some idea. So please learn not to assume things before you write.


colinoscapee wrote:

I wasnt talking to you, I was talking to the OP. I have owned and operated two businesses here, so I do have some idea. So please learn not to assume things before you write.

Ha, ha, I can read your mind. If you are kind enough, plz tell OP how to avoid or minimize the risk by following VN law.. etc..  [Moderated: Inappropriate]


Ok, you seem to think you know what your talking about, but from your replies you know very little. My statement still stands, be careful who the OP gets into bed with . If you want to advise them with your limited knowledge then go ahead, Im sure the OP will regret the move.

Tran Hung Dao

colinoscapee wrote:

Be very, very careful with who you do business with here.

Sound advice.  I can speak from first hand experience that I get "ripped off" regularly.  Just a few days ago, I went to buy a bottle of green tea and made the stupid mistake of not asking the price before.   But after I showed him a 10,000 bill, he asked for 12,000.  I didn't feel like arguing with the guy and was thirsty.   But I knew a bottle typically sells for 7,000 or 8,000 a bottle.  Typically people don't mark it up that huge.


Tran Hung Dao wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

Be very, very careful with who you do business with here.

Sound advice.  I can speak from first hand experience that I get "ripped off" regularly.  Just a few days ago, I went to buy a bottle of green tea and made the stupid mistake of not asking the price before.   But after I showed him a 10,000 bill, he asked for 12,000.  I didn't feel like arguing with the guy and was thirsty.   But I knew a bottle typically sells for 7,000 or 8,000 a bottle.  Typically people don't mark it up that huge.

I got ripped off right after I landed at the airport in HCMC. My large extended family met us there. A lady next to my mom and dad offered us bottles of cold water. I thought "Hey this is great reception" from a family member I've never met. We quickly drank the water since it was hot and we were thirty. Later, my mom informed me that the lady wanted her money. I said, she's not our relative? My mom said, I don't know who the heck she is.:lol::lol::lol::lol: So I paid her for the water. :lol::lol::lol: Welcome to Vietnam. :lol::lol::lol:

Tran Hung Dao

MIA2013 wrote:

...So I paid her for the water. :lol::lol::lol: Welcome to Vietnam. :lol::lol::lol:

So how much did you pay?  I'll laugh along with you if you answer more than 50 cents (10,000 VND).


Tran Hung Dao wrote:
MIA2013 wrote:

...So I paid her for the water. :lol::lol::lol: Welcome to Vietnam. :lol::lol::lol:

So how much did you pay?  I'll laugh along with you if you answer more than 50 cents (10,000 VND).

Yeah, you can start laughing now. It was $1 a bottle. :lol::lol::lol:

Tran Hung Dao

MIA2013 wrote:
Tran Hung Dao wrote:
MIA2013 wrote:

...So I paid her for the water. :lol::lol::lol: Welcome to Vietnam. :lol::lol::lol:

So how much did you pay?  I'll laugh along with you if you answer more than 50 cents (10,000 VND).

Yeah, you can start laughing now. It was $1 a bottle. :lol::lol::lol:

And was the cap seal on right or was it super-glued on after they refilled the bottle with tap water? :unsure


Tran Hung Dao wrote:
MIA2013 wrote:
Tran Hung Dao wrote:

So how much did you pay?  I'll laugh along with you if you answer more than 50 cents (10,000 VND).

Yeah, you can start laughing now. It was $1 a bottle. :lol::lol::lol:

And was the cap seal on right or was it super-glued on after they refilled the bottle with tap water? :unsure

Oh, was that why my tummy was feeling funky, I thought it was the food on Korean Airlines:lol:?

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