How can i stay in thailand for years?

I am interested in living in Thailand permanently.

O visa- I am under 50

business visa- I dont have enough money to start a business.

ED visa- I am willing to enroll in school but i dont want to have to attend classes because of a minor back injury.  If there were online classes or a one day per week class, for a max of a few hours, that would be fine.  A private tutor would be fine as well, if it guarantees a visa.

tourist visa- i dont want to have to do border runs every thirty days.  the idea of sitting on a bus for 8 hours is making my back ache already, lol! 

I wouldnt mind doing border runs every 60 or 90 days.  I would be willing to take a single class, but dont want to go to school full time. 

Anyone know of a way to get a visa for AT LEAST 60-90 days that can be extended indefinitely? also, can a tourist visa be extended indefinitely? for years? 

Any info is greatly appreciated because Thailand looks awesome!

ED visa is your best bet at this time.

Tourist visa would require leaving country every 90 days and some people have done this for years. Can you obtain new visa's indefinitely no one knows.  Some Thai consulates at times seem to refuse new tourist visa if it appears you are living in Thailand on that type of visa.

ok thanks.  i really worry about spending all of money to get there, then being told that i have to leave after s year or so... and not having the money to book a flight home!  i guess, ED visa sounds like my best choice then

Why dont you start there on a ED visa, then after living there for a period of time, possibly looking for a job, and staying there on a working visa?
that could be another alternative for you.

thanks, i'll look into getting a work visa.  i really havent checked those out yet

Well if you can work here, Then MAYBE your back (minor back injury) can do the school for Ed-Visa, it is only 1 hours 4 time pr week, 2 hours 2 time pr week, 4 hours 1 time pr week...What every you like, the school offer...

On top of getting a Visa, you have a chance to learn the Thai language, and learn a little about the way Thai think and do things, so that a big bonus (well for me it is)....

Remember if you donŽt want to learn Thai, there is a few other option for the Ed-Visa....

thats not a bad idea, thanks.  Would the 2 hour twice per week thai classes satisfy the 12 credit requirement for the ed-visa.  Ive read that you need at least 12 credits per semester, though that may have just been for that particular university.  would a tutor that makes house visits work?  are there teachers/tutors that do in home teaching and can get an ed-visa?

Dmesh wrote:

I am interested in living in Thailand permanently.

O visa- I am under 50

business visa- I dont have enough money to start a business.

ED visa- I am willing to enroll in school but i dont want to have to attend classes because of a minor back injury.  If there were online classes or a one day per week class, for a max of a few hours, that would be fine.  A private tutor would be fine as well, if it guarantees a visa.

tourist visa- i dont want to have to do border runs every thirty days.  the idea of sitting on a bus for 8 hours is making my back ache already, lol! 

I wouldnt mind doing border runs every 60 or 90 days.  I would be willing to take a single class, but dont want to go to school full time. 

Anyone know of a way to get a visa for AT LEAST 60-90 days that can be extended indefinitely? also, can a tourist visa be extended indefinitely? for years? 

Any info is greatly appreciated because Thailand looks awesome!

Around ten years ago I used Jentana and Associates. I used them because they would come to your house, thus saving me commuting time.

They're still around. Perhaps the can assist you.

thanks, man.  that is exactly what i am looking for. im about to send them an email