
Hi guys, Im From malaysia. Can Do me some favor please?


Hi everyone, Im dennis From malaysia, Would like to get some help><
Anyonecan help me to get the 2 special minion onli that available at latin .. can u help me to buy them and sell it to me ? if price reasonable , i would like to get more.. pls reply a.s.a.p , thank you..Sorry for bad english..

See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideCPF for foreignersDivorce/Permanent ResidencyBrit moving to Brazil with minimal PortugueseHigher education certificate accredited by MEC for Naturalization.

Hi Dennis,

Just a couple of problems with your request.

First of all the supply of the Special Minions here in Brazil is almost completely exhausted.

Second, even if someone were willing to part with them for money they would probably not be able to send them outside the country even by mail also they'd have a great deal of difficulty receiving money from you. Foreign transactions are strictly controlled by the Central Bank and even getting a small amount of money from someone abroad involves a lot of bureaucracy and a full day at a bank filling out forms.

Good idea Dennis, but I don't think this one is gonna fly!  Cheers,
  William James Woodward – Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


Thanks for ur reply , :( is sad to listen bout this T^T im desperate to get these thing ><