Getting Married in Egypt
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@Eypicanmeraty ..thanks alot Rabena khaliki ya Eypicanmeraty ( this is what Ive learn so far in arabic ) I hope you got the meaning trying say thanks for all the information you provided.
congrats ali,,,i am really happy for you,,,welcome to marrage life and the egyptian life,,,,
marriage is a sacred and a divine bond,,and shouldnot be taken lightly ,,and yes women shouldnt easily fall for online men,,sayng words of love and commitenment,,,
@vailbliac,,,,you have a point in every thing you said,,yes marriage needs carfull considering,,,,as any intercultral,,or from within the culture..
but what i disagree with you,,when you criticise the culture as you did,,,as Ali responded,,,your five fingers arent the same,,,espicailly in egypt,,where the culture is so diverse,,and class,,really matters...
congrats again alimirza,,,may best of life comes to your union,,and god protect this union
Thanks dr_albaaly for all the good words
Hello everyone,
I realize this is a rather old discussion, but I am confused about something.
I am a European girl, living and working in Egypt and getting married to a very lovely Egyptian man next week. We live in Cairo and planned to go to stay in a nice hotel in Sharm directly after signing the contract at the ministery. We went to Sharm many times before and we know, specially 2012, they have become very severe in not accepting unmarried couples in the however we would be married and we really want to treat ourselves to a nice place.
The thing is, I just read that it takes a week to get the marriage certificate after signing the contract.
Does anyone know if it is really the case that you don't get any paper in the meantime? So this means you can't go on honeymoon until one week after getting married?!
Would greatly appreciate if anyone had an experience to share about this.
One week is not so long better wait
Congratualations - I married my love at Christmas 2011 and I look forward to being with him full time from August 2012. I read some dreadful things on the internet about interfaith relationships/marriages and to be honest it can happen to you in any country. As you said in one of your earlier messages you must follow your heart and enjoy your life to the full. Communication is the key and if you work hard at your marriage I believe it will be a success. My husband is a lot younger than me but my view on it is to enjoy the days I have with him whilst I have him. Keep smiling and enjoy!!! xxx
Caroline from England
if you got a marriage contract with a lawyer first you can go to any hotel. like if you do paper before the ministry.
you will get a civil marriage,means u will get your marriage contract from &certified in (shahr el 3akari)main one in lazogholi area ,and that is all.
my cousin was married to a German
,so i know how it goes
shagreteldor wrote:dear,
you will get a civil marriage,means u will get your marriage contract from &certified in (shahr el 3akari)main one in lazogholi area ,and that is all.
my cousin was married to a German
,so i know how it goes
It is not civil btw as many people think it is ...... it's legitimate
ive also met an egyptian man , met him and travelled to egypt to meet, we are unofficially married , so many laws and custums to follow, but we not giving up, his visa has been refused to come here to be with me in cape town, its so difficult, i didnt ask to meet someone from a different country etc, why is this so difficult? its like governments are in control of your desitiny ewe are both adults and responsible law abiding citizens yet we are treated with such suspicion, we just want to lead a normal simlpe life together, either in cape town or egypt. We need help at this stage, as we trying to get together for over a year now.,
zhariarose wrote:ive also met an egyptian man , met him and travelled to egypt to meet, we are unofficially married , so many laws and custums to follow, but we not giving up, his visa has been refused to come here to be with me in cape town, its so difficult, i didnt ask to meet someone from a different country etc, why is this so difficult? its like governments are in control of your desitiny ewe are both adults and responsible law abiding citizens yet we are treated with such suspicion, we just want to lead a normal simlpe life together, either in cape town or egypt. We need help at this stage, as we trying to get together for over a year now.,
No country will grant your spouse visa to come to your country without official marriage.

valibilic wrote:This " negative part" as you name it, it is a " bell" for waking up when emotional side of a human being cover the reality.
I saw during a long time many people that were induced in error, and controlled for other interests.
For example my embassy allows only unmarried man to marry an European woman, and if it is so, they could do it. But after this marriage, according to Egypt law, the Egyptian husband of any other nationality woman has the right to marry again and again after that, and they are not punished for this, and the wife suffers. I know a lot of wives of this type that were " in fire" for their Egyptian love, and being a sensitive person I really understand this, and I suffer for them considering they were tricked!
Please say if I m not right!
Well let me tell you something dear Valibilic,
I can understand that mix marriage are not always successful but when it works it is wonderful because if the couple came from different culture and have much of understanding the can enjoy marvelous life together as I know some already have.
i was told if it is not done in the ministry in cairo its not legal binding as a wife.. its just a license to have sex.dont kid yourself lol
The Egyptian wrote:shagreteldor wrote:dear,
you will get a civil marriage,means u will get your marriage contract from &certified in (shahr el 3akari)main one in lazogholi area ,and that is all.
my cousin was married to a German
,so i know how it goes
It is not civil btw as many people think it is ...... it's legitimate
im pretty sure when i got married at the ministry it was done the same day.. maybe he paid to make it happen.. they lets things slide and go faster if u give money under table. :-) it did take all day tho.
heidietje wrote:Hello everyone,
I realize this is a rather old discussion, but I am confused about something.
I am a European girl, living and working in Egypt and getting married to a very lovely Egyptian man next week. We live in Cairo and planned to go to stay in a nice hotel in Sharm directly after signing the contract at the ministery. We went to Sharm many times before and we know, specially 2012, they have become very severe in not accepting unmarried couples in the however we would be married and we really want to treat ourselves to a nice place.
The thing is, I just read that it takes a week to get the marriage certificate after signing the contract.
Does anyone know if it is really the case that you don't get any paper in the meantime? So this means you can't go on honeymoon until one week after getting married?!
Would greatly appreciate if anyone had an experience to share about this.
I have been married to an EGyptian for over 12 years and I think I am one of the lucky minority.
Over the years we have met many (and I mean many) people - mainkly ladies I hate to say who had 'fallen in love' with an EGyptian man and wanted to get married. They didn't know him long before this, and tghey met him on holiday - let those alarm bells ring!!!!
Because my Husband is EGyptian the guys talk to him (and later my Husband informs me what is really going on).
Quite alot you find that the lady is a little older, but not always. But 99% you find that the guy will (with or without his loves knowledge - wife she now is) has either got an Egyptian wife already / or plans on marrying one. It means he will have Gyptian children / and his family will be happy becuase he will still come back to Egypt. More often than not the EGyptian family have aided this mariage with the money needed and more often than not the Egyptian wife is more than happy to accept that her husband hes a foriegn wife that he screws!! (On the whole - no matter what they tell you - most EGyptian women would have to live with / accept another wife if her husband chose to marryone) Mainly because esomewhere along the line she will get more money in her pocket and a better future for her children!
I hope that I have ended up with a Husband who has not done this.
We met whilst both living outaide Egypt - no holiday romances involved. We lived in the middle east for some time then in the UK (where I hasten to add he wasn't bothered about securing a British passport) and now we live in Egypt (my husband had a business that he needs to focus on for a while - and our children need the contact with their Egyptian family.)
But let me be honest - my Husbands mother just after we got married fold my Husband that she would finance another marriage to an Egyptian women so that when things with me went wrong he would still have a wife and children. She told him that she was sure that he could manage to come for a week here and there by himself to have sex with her and get these children!! And that I didn't have to know about this!
Go figure!!!
Thankfully my Husband (I hope) isn't that type of guy!!
BUT - in the first years we were together we lived in the middle east and some of his friends used to joke (and his brothers) about a second wife that he was off visiting / screwing! It was 'funny' at first - then the novelty wore off for me. ANd big fighting ensuded with my Husabnd and we had to put it behind us and learn to trust - becuase without this trust there is no marriage!
ANd my Husband knows me well - I told him no problem he was most welcome to a second wife he he ever wished to bed a younger model - but it would be second marrige - FIRST DIVORCE!!
And one final note.
Why do the EGyptian men go out with the non-EGyptian (western normally) girl in the frist place - SEX!! she normally lets him have it before they are married!Â
So he can have his cake and eat it!!
Maybe get the experience, hone his techniques for when he sleeps with his proper wife later. Also he will learn some tricks - maybe do some things that his conservative wife whilst she lies back and thinks of EGypt won't let him do - or do to him!!!
SOrry if this offend anyone but it is true.
Also the Foriegn woman is usually working and willing to share her good fortune and money with him for nothing!

Dear biffy & layla1313
Marriage in general is a compromise as much respect and honestly you have as much successful it is. Yes Biffy women in Islam have 100% right not accept second wife and to have the divorce you also have the right to mention this in the marriage contract.
MMMMMM of course they have the 100% right not to accept a second wife !!!
COme on Galal - and how do you figure that one out then!
A woman is married she has children her husband says - I am going to marry again whether you like it or not. SHe doesn't like - ok then - but i will just divorce you then and marry her anyway.
so what does she do.
There is still such stigma here concerning divorced women esepcially if they are young
and who is going to marry her when she has another guys children?
Here in this country - to be honest - no-one?
and how is she going to live - on the miniscule amount of money he will give her!?
Oh no that's right he will take her children and give her nothing!!
Of course the women have SOOO much choice - open your eyes and get real!
And as many of your countryment wouldn't know respect and honesty if it jumped up and bit them on the bum - yeah that one workds also!!
happy life wrote:Yes Biffy women in Islam have 100% right not accept second wife and to have the divorce
I beg to differ. What you are saying is the Egyptian law, not Sharia/Islamic law.
biffy wrote:I have been married to an EGyptian for over 12 years and I think I am one of the lucky minority.
Over the years we have met many (and I mean many) people - mainkly ladies I hate to say who had 'fallen in love' with an EGyptian man and wanted to get married. They didn't know him long before this, and tghey met him on holiday - let those alarm bells ring!!!!
Because my Husband is EGyptian the guys talk to him (and later my Husband informs me what is really going on).
Quite alot you find that the lady is a little older, but not always. But 99% you find that the guy will (with or without his loves knowledge - wife she now is) has either got an Egyptian wife already / or plans on marrying one. It means he will have Gyptian children / and his family will be happy becuase he will still come back to Egypt. More often than not the EGyptian family have aided this mariage with the money needed and more often than not the Egyptian wife is more than happy to accept that her husband hes a foriegn wife that he screws!! (On the whole - no matter what they tell you - most EGyptian women would have to live with / accept another wife if her husband chose to marryone) Mainly because esomewhere along the line she will get more money in her pocket and a better future for her children!
I hope that I have ended up with a Husband who has not done this.
We met whilst both living outaide Egypt - no holiday romances involved. We lived in the middle east for some time then in the UK (where I hasten to add he wasn't bothered about securing a British passport) and now we live in Egypt (my husband had a business that he needs to focus on for a while - and our children need the contact with their Egyptian family.)
But let me be honest - my Husbands mother just after we got married fold my Husband that she would finance another marriage to an Egyptian women so that when things with me went wrong he would still have a wife and children. She told him that she was sure that he could manage to come for a week here and there by himself to have sex with her and get these children!! And that I didn't have to know about this!
Go figure!!!
Thankfully my Husband (I hope) isn't that type of guy!!
BUT - in the first years we were together we lived in the middle east and some of his friends used to joke (and his brothers) about a second wife that he was off visiting / screwing! It was 'funny' at first - then the novelty wore off for me. ANd big fighting ensuded with my Husabnd and we had to put it behind us and learn to trust - becuase without this trust there is no marriage!
ANd my Husband knows me well - I told him no problem he was most welcome to a second wife he he ever wished to bed a younger model - but it would be second marrige - FIRST DIVORCE!!
I have to disagree with most of what you have said. It might apply to a small segment of low-live-Egyptians marrying foreigners, but not to all (or even to most) Egyptians marrying foreigners.

biffy wrote:MMMMMM of course they have the 100% right not to accept a second wife !!!
COme on Galal - and how do you figure that one out then!
A woman is married she has children her husband says - I am going to marry again whether you like it or not. SHe doesn't like - ok then - but i will just divorce you then and marry her anyway.
so what does she do.
There is still such stigma here concerning divorced women esepcially if they are young
and who is going to marry her when she has another guys children?
Here in this country - to be honest - no-one?
and how is she going to live - on the miniscule amount of money he will give her!?
Oh no that's right he will take her children and give her nothing!!
Of course the women have SOOO much choice - open your eyes and get real!
And as many of your countryment wouldn't know respect and honesty if it jumped up and bit them on the bum - yeah that one workds also!!
Dear Biffy,
Well not all men are nice and yes I agree you that there some men here miss-treated women, but this is happens also abroad I have living England and I saw many men beating their wives is that means that English men are bad ? of course not.
biffy, what I am trying to say is women here or abroad must understand their rights and never accept injustice.
I hope that I am clear. and I really enjoy this discussion.
The discussion wasn't whethr men in the UK beat their wives or not (but just for the record if they did and she went to the police and reported him - he would be arrested and he could go to prison - here the police would just laugh in her face and tell her to go home - this also is rampant here in Egypt!!).
And also I don't know where you lived in the UK - but 'many men' don't beat their wives - it is a tiny minority!!
Here you are supposed to revere womena dn give them the utmost respect - but what I see is something that is really very different.
They are treated like low life.
The womans only aim in life (and I have been around Egypt / Egyptians alot) is to grow up (if you are lucky you will get an education) let some guy check you over like a horse - marry - don't use any of that education (it was only to attract a better level of Husband for you anyway) then keep him happy - cook clean (and wear the massive amount of lingerie that I see for sale here - and pop out babies one after the other.
WHereas I got an education - I have used it to its full extent - I have got married - I do have children - but I do also still have a career (it is something you have to balance) and many of the chores in our house are shared!!
And as for a womans rights - they don't have any here!!
AT the end of the day the focus will go back to the sharia law (no matter what the countries secular law saya) and they will abide by that - which doesn't give the woman any rights.
And the view on Divorced women here is very much as I say - it is 'why did her husband divorce her'? not the other way around.
And the only approaches she will have about marriage will be from older widowers who have children they need looking after - because who needs to look after another mans chldren.
SO women are afraid from divorce - and many of them would rather live a very bad life treated like dogs than end up divorced!!
ANd let be honest a second wife - most men who have a second wife have a younger model - who needs breaking in - with firm thighs etc.!
biffy wrote:They are treated like low life.
This is quite a bad stereotype ..... not everywhere in Egypt and not all women.
biffy wrote:The womans only aim in life (and I have been around Egypt / Egyptians alot) is to grow up (if you are lucky you will get an education) let some guy check you over like a horse - marry - don't use any of that education (it was only to attract a better level of Husband for you anyway) then keep him happy - cook clean (and wear the massive amount of lingerie that I see for sale here - and pop out babies one after the other.
Some women do this by choice. It's their choice, doesn't mean they are low lives ...... My wife is a housewife by choice. I never forced her or coerced her either way (either to take a job or to stay home) .... I told her I'd support your decision in either case (help you find a job if you want, fully support you if you want to stay home) ...
biffy wrote:WHereas I got an education - I have used it to its full extent - I have got married - I do have children - but I do also still have a career (it is something you have to balance) and many of the chores in our house are shared!!
Again lots of Egyptian families are like this by choice. Please don't judge the whole society by a few (or even many but not enough) samples.
biffy wrote:And as for a womans rights - they don't have any here!!
AT the end of the day the focus will go back to the sharia law (no matter what the countries secular law saya) and they will abide by that - which doesn't give the woman any rights.
COME ON ..... Sharia law gives the woman all the rights ..... Misinterpreted Sharia law might not, but real Sharia grants the women all their rights.
For instance, a stay-at-home wife/mom is entitled to full financial support, while a working wife/mom is entitled to financial independence as in she does not have to pay a dime out of her salary which is strictly her own.
Sharia law is not unjust to women. Some people who misinterpret it or apply it might be, but the Sharia in its core is not unjust.
and btw, so many laws (such as custody, alimony and visitation) are very unjust to men in Egypt.
biffy wrote:And the view on Divorced women here is very much as I say - it is 'why did her husband divorce her'? not the other way around.
And the only approaches she will have about marriage will be from older widowers who have children they need looking after - because who needs to look after another mans chldren.
This I'd have to agree with you and it's a form of social injustice/double standard to women in the Egyptian society.
biffy wrote:SO women are afraid from divorce - and many of them would rather live a very bad life treated like dogs than end up divorced!!
Again I agree and it's a sad thing for many people to be honest.
biffy wrote:ANd let be honest a second wife - most men who have a second wife have a younger model - who needs breaking in - with firm thighs etc.!

biffy wrote:The discussion wasn't whethr men in the UK beat their wives or not (but just for the record if they did and she went to the police and reported him - he would be arrested and he could go to prison - here the police would just laugh in her face and tell her to go home - this also is rampant here in Egypt!!).
And also I don't know where you lived in the UK - but 'many men' don't beat their wives - it is a tiny minority!!
Here you are supposed to revere womena dn give them the utmost respect - but what I see is something that is really very different.
They are treated like low life.
The womans only aim in life (and I have been around Egypt / Egyptians alot) is to grow up (if you are lucky you will get an education) let some guy check you over like a horse - marry - don't use any of that education (it was only to attract a better level of Husband for you anyway) then keep him happy - cook clean (and wear the massive amount of lingerie that I see for sale here - and pop out babies one after the other.
WHereas I got an education - I have used it to its full extent - I have got married - I do have children - but I do also still have a career (it is something you have to balance) and many of the chores in our house are shared!!
And as for a womans rights - they don't have any here!!
AT the end of the day the focus will go back to the sharia law (no matter what the countries secular law saya) and they will abide by that - which doesn't give the woman any rights.
And the view on Divorced women here is very much as I say - it is 'why did her husband divorce her'? not the other way around.
And the only approaches she will have about marriage will be from older widowers who have children they need looking after - because who needs to look after another mans chldren.
SO women are afraid from divorce - and many of them would rather live a very bad life treated like dogs than end up divorced!!
ANd let be honest a second wife - most men who have a second wife have a younger model - who needs breaking in - with firm thighs etc.!
Hi Biffy,
I hope you are fine
I agreed with some part of your words but I have to tell you that in big part of your words I totally disagree with you.
Obviously you have not read one word in Sharia therefore you can not say "which doesn't give the woman any rights" In addition to that we do have woman right but the problem is some women don't know how to use it because they are always depended.
I know some divorced here whom they got their rights 100% and other who couldn't . Yes some men here miss use their right and try get advantages.
Biffy, here it is not perfect and the world is not perfect. I know a British friend his wife she is British as well she has blackmailed him to the maximum extent during the divorce process.
let's be tolerance and peaceful we are human living in one world and enjoy life.
its all in the choices we make.
but be very careful of the mans ego. if you dont piss him off then he will care for you even after divorce.
the rights i think for married women here is that if the wife isnt happy and doesnt want sex for example she can still be cared for and not divorced. the husband can marry another for sex or compassion or whatever it is lacking in the first marriage. i dont think its about age at all or a younger model. its about full compatibility. its just the men have the choice to find someone else if theyre not happy whereas the woman cant. but if she does get divorced(which if the husband marries again she has the right in islam to get divorce) be sure there are tons of men waiting to scoop her up and marry her and treat her so well.
like i said its all about the choice from the start. we all know how the spouse is before we marry its whether we refuse to see it beforehand.. love makes us blind. but i see it in the states too bitter divorces and cheating and mistresses. it has nothing to do with islamic law. islam protects the women its the bad men that dont follow it. the religion itself is wonderful to women. thats my take on it. i dont think men are bad i love men.. but many are selfish and need to be taught what it means to love for real. and there is nothing wrong with being a slave to each other. there is nothing wrong with a wife who cooks and cleans and cares for her husband if her husband does the same for her..
the prophet mohammed used to do thing for himself around the house and didnt burden his wife with it. and all the mus,im men are supposed to follow how the prophet was hes the perfect man that all men should strive to be like :-) may peace be upon him. if i had one wish it would be for all the men to be like him. <3
i have to say if they joke about it its for sure not true... when they stop joking then worry.. egyptian and arab men have very fragile egos.. they think that the right to 4 wives is theirs with no consequence when in real islam there has to be reasons... they cant please allah by marrying someone for money or just for sex. its supposed to be to help someone. like if there is a war with many widows.. or someone who needs support and help in her life and if hes financially secure where it wont take away from his first family then fine. they are not supposed to marry anyone if they cant support the wife and they have to be equal in treatment.. allah says if a man cant be equal then do not do it. so be sure whatever these men do if they are wrong they will have to answer to allah.. and allah is forgiving but will also have someone burn in hell if he deserves this lol
The Egyptian wrote:biffy wrote:I have been married to an EGyptian for over 12 years and I think I am one of the lucky minority.
Over the years we have met many (and I mean many) people - mainkly ladies I hate to say who had 'fallen in love' with an EGyptian man and wanted to get married. They didn't know him long before this, and tghey met him on holiday - let those alarm bells ring!!!!
Because my Husband is EGyptian the guys talk to him (and later my Husband informs me what is really going on).
Quite alot you find that the lady is a little older, but not always. But 99% you find that the guy will (with or without his loves knowledge - wife she now is) has either got an Egyptian wife already / or plans on marrying one. It means he will have Gyptian children / and his family will be happy becuase he will still come back to Egypt. More often than not the EGyptian family have aided this mariage with the money needed and more often than not the Egyptian wife is more than happy to accept that her husband hes a foriegn wife that he screws!! (On the whole - no matter what they tell you - most EGyptian women would have to live with / accept another wife if her husband chose to marryone) Mainly because esomewhere along the line she will get more money in her pocket and a better future for her children!
I hope that I have ended up with a Husband who has not done this.
We met whilst both living outaide Egypt - no holiday romances involved. We lived in the middle east for some time then in the UK (where I hasten to add he wasn't bothered about securing a British passport) and now we live in Egypt (my husband had a business that he needs to focus on for a while - and our children need the contact with their Egyptian family.)
But let me be honest - my Husbands mother just after we got married fold my Husband that she would finance another marriage to an Egyptian women so that when things with me went wrong he would still have a wife and children. She told him that she was sure that he could manage to come for a week here and there by himself to have sex with her and get these children!! And that I didn't have to know about this!
Go figure!!!
Thankfully my Husband (I hope) isn't that type of guy!!
BUT - in the first years we were together we lived in the middle east and some of his friends used to joke (and his brothers) about a second wife that he was off visiting / screwing! It was 'funny' at first - then the novelty wore off for me. ANd big fighting ensuded with my Husabnd and we had to put it behind us and learn to trust - becuase without this trust there is no marriage!
ANd my Husband knows me well - I told him no problem he was most welcome to a second wife he he ever wished to bed a younger model - but it would be second marrige - FIRST DIVORCE!!
I have to disagree with most of what you have said. It might apply to a small segment of low-live-Egyptians marrying foreigners, but not to all (or even to most) Egyptians marrying foreigners.
I think in Egypt women (and men) may add clauses to the marriage contract, like for example: to get divorced as soon as she desires. If ppl would do things responsibly and step by step, they would probably not face such problems or at least less.
biffy wrote:The discussion wasn't whethr men in the UK beat their wives or not (but just for the record if they did and she went to the police and reported him - he would be arrested and he could go to prison - here the police would just laugh in her face and tell her to go home - this also is rampant here in Egypt!!)
A woman in my family (egyptian) was being beat up by her husband, she went to the police and he was arrested at that very moment. Now they are waiting for trial. I beg you to confirm information before you publish "anything"..
As for women being beat up in UK, of course there are, this is not an egyptian issue but a worldwide problem, I just looked up and UK is not exactly a good example of non-violence against women, google it.
aligirl wrote:A woman in my family (egyptian) was being beat up by her husband, she went to the police and he was arrested at that very moment. Now they are waiting for trial. I beg you to confirm information before you publish "anything"..
As for women being beat up in UK, of course there are, this is not an egyptian issue but a worldwide problem, I just looked up and UK is not exactly a good example of non-violence against women, google it.
Some people from "some" countries tend to think of Egyptians as lowly creatures. I have a colleague at work who's - unfortunately - more senior than I am, who happens to come from one of "those" countries I am referring to. If you know what I mean .....
He was once saying that the financial crisis hit so many people hard that they are living on 500 Euros a month. I told him that so many families in Egypt live on much less than that, his spontaneous answer was "because it's f***ing Egypt".
Hadn't I had a family and children to support (and hence I care about not losing my job), I would've smacked him .......
The Egyptian wrote:Hadn't I had a family and children to support (and hence I care about not losing my job), I would've smacked him .......
aligirl wrote:The Egyptian wrote:Hadn't I had a family and children to support (and hence I care about not losing my job), I would've smacked him .......
I feel happy every time Sudanese immigration tortures him about his visa .....
Knee jerk reactions against all things written about EGypt / Egyptians!!!
I do live and work with EGyptians every day - and I see / hear / experience how the life here works. My family is EGyptian (or half of it) so I know how things work!! ANd the expectations and what happens in reality, just as I know about my country and nationality - the realisities. I don;t have to google anything for either - I know the pros and cons and the good and bad things!!
ANd alot of it is due to culture / religion etc. and no matter how things have changed for a minority - I know the cultural habits are still alive and well - and not saying that the opportunities are not out there for women - and that maybe some of the newer secular laws are trying to right some of thw rongs that women face verfy day - but quite often the cultural side wins out more than anything else!! And as for divorced women being 'snapped up' - yes of course they are when they have small children or are older - by whom - mostly again by men who need a carer for their own children for some reason!!
Also DOn't try and kid yourself that all mens second and third wives are hard done to in this life / need the help / are the same age as the first wife - becuase trust me they are not!!!
They tend to be younger more malleable models!!!
And as to the wife having the final say - again lets have a reality check here!!!!
1. It is very important for a woman/ wife to have a job in this way to be financial independent. THIS THING IS GOING TO GIVE HER ALL THE RIGHTS! In this case, as soon as that husband wants to marry again, she could divorce and take care only of herself, and leave his children with him. I REALLY WANT TO SEE A ' NEW WIFE' HOW HAPPY SHE IS WHEN SHE FINDS OUT THAT SHE GOT A PACKAGE: A MAN WITH 3 OR 4 KIDS, so, she will be like a nanny without payment for his children till that husband becomes very bored AGAIN of this wife, and finds another wife and another...
So, not a girl accepts to care of another woman' s kids without having very great advantages!
 2.These husbands are too attached by their families, especially mothers and allow them to direct their own marriage.
  Egyptian wives cover themselves with very elaborated pre- marriage contracts that secure themselves and their kids in case of divorce, husband's re- that none of the husband 's family could " touch" or destroy the marriage, knowing that all are going to suffer
 3. The tradition and culture is very good, and have some details: a man has the right to marry in case his first wife is sick, or doesn t give him children or... The problem is that some men take advantage and use this right getting another wife without any reason from these, only for his entertainment !
  Some wives, really don t care if husbands marry again, THEY TREAT THEM LIKE SPONSORS, nothing more, and find this opportunity to increase their power and money using the weakness of husband.
  Finally there are many to be told. But all it s what a wife accepts and what the husband agrees. And also, A MARRIAGE WITH TOO MANY COMPROMISES IS ONLY A BUSINESS, doesn t look like a marriage anymore!
  A lot of happiness and luck I wish you all, no matter that you are married, divorced or singles!
you are right.. this is not how it was intended even if a woman cant have children that a kick in the face to her by the man to find another, really. what of true love? too many unnecessary compromises with bad intent.and the husband becomes bored because the wife has no time with 4 kids to care for and is tired.. i still say being wife#2 is way more fun LOL
TOO MANY COMPROMISES IS ONLY A BUSINESS, doesn t look like a marriage anymore!
valibilic wrote:1. It is very important for a woman/ wife to have a job in this way to be financial independent. THIS THING IS GOING TO GIVE HER ALL THE RIGHTS! In this case, as soon as that husband wants to marry again, she could divorce and take care only of herself, and leave his children with him. I REALLY WANT TO SEE A ' NEW WIFE' HOW HAPPY SHE IS WHEN SHE FINDS OUT THAT SHE GOT A PACKAGE: A MAN WITH 3 OR 4 KIDS, so, she will be like a nanny without payment for his children till that husband becomes very bored AGAIN of this wife, and finds another wife and another...
So, not a girl accepts to care of another woman' s kids without having very great advantages!
 2.These husbands are too attached by their families, especially mothers and allow them to direct their own marriage.
  Egyptian wives cover themselves with very elaborated pre- marriage contracts that secure themselves and their kids in case of divorce, husband's re- that none of the husband 's family could " touch" or destroy the marriage, knowing that all are going to suffer
 3. The tradition and culture is very good, and have some details: a man has the right to marry in case his first wife is sick, or doesn t give him children or... The problem is that some men take advantage and use this right getting another wife without any reason from these, only for his entertainment !
  Some wives, really don t care if husbands marry again, THEY TREAT THEM LIKE SPONSORS, nothing more, and find this opportunity to increase their power and money using the weakness of husband.
  Finally there are many to be told. But all it s what a wife accepts and what the husband agrees. And also, A MARRIAGE WITH TOO MANY COMPROMISES IS ONLY A BUSINESS, doesn t look like a marriage anymore!
  A lot of happiness and luck I wish you all, no matter that you are married, divorced or singles!
SSSpeedy wrote:This supposed not to be a dating site but I really wonder why egyptians are in Cairo (Egypt) expat forum...?
Well .... they are helping the guests of their country ..... I am an Egyptian expat and no one bothers to answer on the host country forum where I am ......
Some of them "Egyptians" are married to expats and this is why they are on the forum (such as myself, when we used to live in Egypt) ....
And I don't believe I have seen an "Exclusive for Expats" sign on the forum !
i think that its golod to have egyptians because that where we get the best onfo from :-) its their home.
SSSpeedy wrote:The Egyptian wrote:SSSpeedy wrote:This supposed not to be a dating site but I really wonder why egyptians are in Cairo (Egypt) expat forum...?
And I don't believe I have seen an "Exclusive for Expats" sign on the forum !
The website name itself reveals something I suppose...
well go complain to an admin if you don't like the existence of Egyptians here ......
SSSpeedy wrote:And one more thing you have missed the point I tried to say.
If you had chance to just look into the link I have refered you'll see the answers coming from local ones even not expat. And the answers are nice, come to Egypt, this is nice country, you'll like... Can you please explain to me at what point they are helpingI hope when you see the whole picture you'll see what I mean.
This is your thought and I respect to you totally. But that is my thought, please do respect
Yes some Egyptians are constantly in the "Come to Egypt, it's lovely" mode ...... Some others have their feet on the ground. However, having lots of information - with the occasional miss - is better than nothing at all. Take a look at the Sudan forum. No body there gives a da*n s**t. My questions there can go unanswered for weeks.
SSSpeedy wrote:What you explained is limited with what is understood.
I did not understand what you mean here

ladies and gentlemen please close this issue it is really taking more than it matters
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