Hi Pinkchik,
I am probably a bit late however thought that i would just add a few comments which may assist other readers. After 11 years in PNG, living in several towns, we are now leaving. The 'nasty' crimes are steadily getting worse; rapes of expats are becoming increasingly common - most of these are not reported and all the victim wants to do is immediately fly out for good. Aids is rampant. Female expats should NOT come to PNG - you are a prime target and you WILL be attacked at some stage if you are here for a year or two. Husbands should only consider a Fly in Fly Out contract. You become a prisoner in your own home, education levels are much lower than UK and Australia; corruption is rife, and the police are your worst nightmare. Whatever the money is that you are being offered, it is no longer worth putting your life at risk. Beware of the expats that use the glib line "the media make it sound much worse than it is" - the media are only reporting 20% of the nasty crimes. A friend of my wifes is still in hospital here with a fractured hip and broken ankle after jumping from her frsit floor balcony to avoid being raped - and this is in a new new modern "secure" complex in the middle of the day. I can no longer keep my wife a 'prisoner' here - life is not meant to be like this.